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Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST)—Earth Science

We are seeking reviewers for the Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (ROSES F.5), specifically related to the Earth Science Division. Signing up does not commit you to serve, nor is NASA obligated to ask/invite you. If you are a funded team member on a proposal to a given panel, then you will not be able to serve on that review panel. You may be able to serve on another panel or provide on-line reviews.

Here are the rules:

  • All items with an asterisk* require a response before submission
  • Type in 1) your contact information and 2) things that may be conflict of interest and/or clarify your expertise
  • Otherwise just click the buttons

Attention Biological and Physical Science (BPS) subject matter experts, please visit the Space Science Volunteer Form for Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST) to volunteer there.

Have you ever served on a NASA panel?(Required)
Are you volunteering to serve as a panelist or as an executive secretary? Senior graduate students or early postdocs who have not previously served on a panel typically fill the executive secretary role.(Required)
Please select up to but no more than 3 relevant area(s) of expertise; please DO NOT select them all (this will result in your not being considered):(Required)
To indicate interest in reviewing proposals submitted to Science Activation and/or Citizen/Participatory Science FINESST, please check one or both of the following if you are interested.
Please select your current career stage.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.