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Heliophysics Technology and Instrument Development for Science (ROSES B.8)

We are seeking virtual panelists and/or external (email) reviewers for Heliophysics Technology and Instrument Development for Science (ROSES B.8). Signing up does not commit you to serve, nor is NASA obligated to invite you.

Here are the rules:

All items with an asterisk* require a response before submission.
Type in 1) your contact information and 2) things that may be conflict of interest and/or clarify your expertise
Otherwise just click the buttons

In the overall comments box note any additional information about 1) your expertise that could be useful for review assignments, and 2) potential conflicts of interest that you may have beyond your listed institutional employer/affiliation. Thank you!

Have you ever served on a NASA panel?(Required)
Please provide your name:(Required)
Please provide your email address:(Required)
Are you volunteering to serve as a panelist, an executive secretary, or an external reviewer? The executive secretary role is typically filled by senior graduate students or early postdocs that have not previously served on a panel. External reviewers are typically asked to submit between one and three mail-in reviews but do not attend the panel review itself.(Required)
Please specify the topics of study in your area(s) of expertise. You can select multiple options. Choose "other" to add something we have missed or to further describe your expertise in one of the listed areas, please describe in the comment box below.
Development of technology and instrumentation for Heliophysics Science applications in one or more of the following areas:
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.