Accelerating Informatics: Posters
Data Posters Agenda: Morning Session -10:00am
Poster Number | Presenter | Organization | Poster Title |
4 | Jake Stevens | Climastry | Piece-Rate Emissions Factors (PREF) for Better Industrial Emissions Estimates |
6 | Ryan Abernathey | Earthmover PBS | Arraylake: A Cloud Platform for Scientific Data |
7 | Matthew Zamora | Fluffy NAS | Fluffy NAS, Portable At-home Cloud Storage |
8 | Eric Chol | GHGSat | Validation and Metrics for Methane Plume Imaging and Quantification |
9 | Aaron Kaplan | IRI, Columbia University | The IRI Climate Data Library |
10 | Ian Colwell | Muon Space | The Muon Space GNSS-R Based Soil Moisture Product and Satellite Constellation |
14 | Nathan Swain | Tethys Geospatial Foundation & Aquaveo | Tethys Generated Decision Support Web Applications – Host, Share, and Visualize Earth Science Data |
17 | Noussair Lazrak | New York University | Optimizing Air Quality Forecasts with High Resolution: Integrating NASA’s GEOS-CF Model and Ground-Based Data through Advanced Machine Learning Techniques |