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Meeting the Needs of GME-UT Teachers

Meeting the Needs of GME-UT Teachers

The individual needs of teachers vary widely and are ever changing due to COVID-19. GLOBE Mission Earth at the University of Toledo works to meet our teachers’ needs.

SME (Subject Matter Expert) Visit

Dr. C (Czajkowski) makes virtual visits to classrooms to explain how GLOBE data informs his research. Looking at the data from St. Peter’s High School’s (Mansfield, Ohio) Purple Air, Dr. C discusses the data with the students.

Online visit to the classroom

Sara Mierzwiak, research assistant at the University of Toledo, visited Abbie Smith’s 8th grade class at Hilltop High School (West Unity, Ohio). Students took a virtual tour around the planet using ArcGIS Online. Using the Measure Tools, students measured the lengths/widths of their yards & the area of the baseball diamond at their school.

Judges in Virtual Competitions

GME-UT staff assisted James Less, science Teacher at St. Andrew’s Catholic School in Cape Coral, Florida, in judging 6th-8th grade student projects in a virtual science symposium Zoom breakout rooms were used to facilitate sharing and judging of the projects. The project to the left used AEROKATS, part of the SciAct funded AREN project.

Wildlife and Sustainability students from Laura Kubiak’s class at Aerospace & Natural Science Academy (Toledo, Ohio) presented their work to a panel of judges from NASA, Arctic SIGNS & GLOBE Mission Earth. Students designed solar ovens and developed creative presentations for a class challenge. Students collected hourly weather data (GLOBE clouds) while tracking the temperatures in their solar ovens to cook a food item of their choice.

Students took a virtual tour around the planet using ArcGIS Online.



Last Updated
Dec 17, 2020