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Titan Flyby (T-75) – April 19, 2011

T-75: The Interaction of Titan’s and Saturn’s Magnetospheres

The Cassini spacecraft watches a pair of Saturn's moons, showing the hazy orb of giant Titan beyond smaller Tethys. The image was taken in visible green light with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera on Oct. 18, 2010.
The Cassini spacecraft watches a pair of Saturn's moons, showing the hazy orb of giant Titan beyond smaller Tethys. The image was taken in visible green light with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera on Oct. 18, 2010.

T-75: The Interaction of Titan’s and Saturn’s Magnetospheres

T-75 is one of the two most important and unique Titan flybys in the entire extended mission for two of Cassini's non-imaging teams. The radio and plasma wave science (RPWS) instrument team and the Cassini plasma spectrometer (CAPS) instrument team will use the data from this flyby to study how Titan's and Saturn's magnetospheres interact with each other. CAPS controlled the spacecraft's pointing for an entire day, starting 12 hours prior to closest approach. This lengthy interval allowed both instruments to establish context for their observations.

Titan Flyby at a Glance

April 19, 2010

6,247 miles (10,053 km)

13,000 mph (5.6 km/sec)



Last Updated
Nov 06, 2024