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Residence Time Driven Flame Spread (RTDFS)

Science Objectives

The Residence Time Driven Flame Spread (RTDFS) experiment will investigate steady and unsteady flame propagation over solid fuels in a microgravity environment. Theoretical modeling predicts that steady flame spread over solid fuels cannot be sustained, even in a high oxygen environment if the fuel exceeds a critical thickness. Flame spread rate over thin fuels in a quiescent microgravity environment decreases with fuel thickness not only because of increased thermal mass but also because the relative importance of radiative losses, as quantified by a non-dimensional radiation number, increases in direct proportion of fuel thickness.


Investigation was delivered to the International Space Station (ISS) via the NG-19 mission in August, 2023.

Space Applications

A better understanding of flame spread behavior in microgravity could contribute to increased safety for crew members and operations on future missions.

Earth Applications

Results could contribute to better combustion computer models for terrestrial applications.

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