Today we received data from the first ChemCam "rasters," in this case 5laser shots in a row on 3 different targets.
Today we received data from the first ChemCam “rasters,” in this case 5
laser shots in a row on 3 different targets. We were glad to see this
capability demonstrated on Mars, because we would like to use it a lot in
the future. The laser is focused on a spot less than 1 mm across, and the
chemistry of rocks and soils is commonly variable on the millimeter scale.
So multiple samples are needed to properly characterize the elemental
composition of each target, and the laser rasters will be useful in this
The SAM atmospheric sample test ran to completion, verifying that many
parts of this complicated instrument are working well. This was the last
SAM characterization test planned, and the team applauded the achievement
of this milestone. For this test a bit of Earth’s atmosphere was carried
to Mars, and analyzed successfully as planned. Now SAM is ready to acquire
and measure a sample of the Martian atmosphere.
I was sorry to hear today that Neil Armstrong, the first person to walk on
the Moon, passed away. His “small step” represented the culmination of an
amazing effort that inspired me as a child and helped lead me toward a
career in space exploration. I hope that NASA continues to inspire young
people with achievements such as the MSL mission.
I plan to take a day off tomorrow, before I begin a string of tactical
shifts on Monday. I’ll send my next update when I’m back on shift.
Written by Ken Herkenhoff, Planetary Geologist at USGS Astrogeology Science Center