USGS (United States Geological Survey)

NASA Flights Map Critical Minerals from Skies Above Western US
6 min read
Technology used to chart other worlds is revealing minerals in the American West that are critical to the country’s renewable…

NASA Helps Build New Federal Sea Level Rise Website
4 min read
Designed to be user-friendly, the resource contains the latest sea level data, explainers, and other information from several U.S. agencies.…

‘Current’ Events: NASA and USGS Find a New Way to Measure River Flows
5 min read
A team of scientists and engineers at NASA and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) collaborated to see if a small…

NASA Orbiter Finds Possible Cave Skylights on Mars
4 min read
NASA's Mars Odyssey spacecraft has discovered entrances to seven possible caves on the slopes of a Martian volcano. The find…

NASA Findings Suggest Jets Bursting From Martian Ice Cap
4 min read
Every spring brings violent eruptions to the south polar ice cap of Mars, according to researchers interpreting new observations by…