
News & Articles

PACE Celebrates National Ocean Month With Colorful Views of the Planet

3 min read

What do you give to an ocean that has everything? This year, for National Ocean Month, NASA’s Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud,…

Article3 weeks ago

NASA’s PACE Data on Ocean, Atmosphere, Climate Now Available

4 min read

NASA is now publicly distributing science-quality data from its newest Earth-observing satellite, providing first-of-their-kind measurements of ocean health, air quality, and the…

Article3 months ago

PACE Mission’s Sujung Go: Helping Humanity and the Environment

7 min read

Research scientist Sujung Go analyzes atmospheric data to help humanity and the environment. Name: Sujung Go Title: Research scientist Organization:…

Article5 months ago
The MAIA satellite mission, a partnership between NASA and Italy's Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI), will investigate the effects of particulate matter air pollution on human health.

Getting to the Heart of the (Particulate) Matter

13 min read

A first-ever partnership between NASA, epidemiologists and health organizations will use data from a new NASA space mission to study…

Article4 years ago

NASA’s Terra satellite celebrates 100,000 orbits

6 min read

On Oct. 6, NASA’s Terra completed 100,000 orbits around Earth, providing one of the longest running climate satellite data records.

Article6 years ago
Heavy human-caused pollution can suppress the growth of rain-producing clouds

NASA study untangles smoke, pollution effects on clouds

4 min read

Smoke and human-caused pollution have different effects on the clouds that produce much of Earth's rainfall, a new study finds.

Article6 years ago