
News & Articles

Going Back-to-School with NASA Data

4 min read

As students head back to school, teachers have a new tool that brings NASA satellite data down to their earthly…

Article4 weeks ago

PCARF Education: Grades 5-8

2 min read

Clouds on Earth Clouds on Earth are formations in the atmosphere consisting of numerous tiny water droplets or ice crystals…



5 min read

Motivation PCARF is designed to enable the scientific experimental investigation of aerosol processes, with a focus on understanding how planetary…


Planetary Cloud/Aerosol Research Facility

1 min read

PCARF Instruments and Apparatus CL#24-5299

Gray dots on a map of the world show the distribution of data collected during the GLOBE Eclipse challenge, 15 March - 15 April 2024. Concentrations of dots appear in the United States, Europe, and southern Asia. Trails of observations over the oceans indicate data collected onboard a ship.

GLOBE Eclipse Challenge: Clouds on Our Solar Powered Earth

3 min read

GLOBE Observer, the mobile app of the Global Learning and Observation to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program, gives anyone who…

Article6 months ago

NASA’s PACE Data on Ocean, Atmosphere, Climate Now Available

4 min read

NASA is now publicly distributing science-quality data from its newest Earth-observing satellite, providing first-of-their-kind measurements of ocean health, air quality, and the…

Article6 months ago