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Human Dimensions

NASA Data Reveals Role of Green Spaces in Cooling Cities
5 min read

As any urban dweller who has lived through a heat wave knows, a shady tree can make all the difference.…

NASA, EPA Tackle NO2 Air Pollution in Overburdened Communities
4 min read

NASA data about nitrogen dioxide, a harmful air pollutant, is available in EJScreen, EPA’s widely used environmental justice screening and…

When Climate Gets Under Your Skin
5 min read

From insect-borne diseases to seasonal allergies and “superbugs,” climate change is quite literally getting under our skin, affecting our health…

Planes, Shipping Lanes, and Automobiles
4 min read

A new NASA Climate feature series examines some of the lesser-known, and often surprising, ways global climate change is affecting…

A Health Check for South American Mangroves
2 min read

Mangroves help protect against the effects of climate change in low-lying coastal regions. NASA and partners are using satellite data…

Monitoring Ground-Level Ozone in a Warming World
2 min read

Ground-level ozone and climate go hand in hand – in more ways than one. In the Great Lakes region, NASA…

A Force of Nature: Hurricanes in a Changing Climate
7 min read

We've broken down everything you need to know about hurricanes, how scientists are using global climate models to predict storm…

Climate Change Threatens $2 Trillion ‘Blue Economy’
2 min read

Earth’s ocean supports communities, economies, and ecosystems – but as the climate changes, Earth observations are more important than ever…

Developing a Freshwater Health Index: Encompassing Earth Data, Community Concerns, and Climate Change
3 min read

Earth's climate is changing, and one of the main impacts is on the water cycle. In a case study of…
