Hurricanes & Typhoons

News & Articles

Against the outline of the southeastern United States, a circular shape moves from the center of the view (around Tennessee) to the southeast toward Florida. Inside the circular shape are bands of blues, yellows, and reds that change as the circle moves.

Hurricane Helene’s Gravity Waves Revealed by NASA’s AWE

2 min read

On Sept. 26, 2024, Hurricane Helene slammed into the Gulf Coast of Florida, inducing storm surges and widespread impacts on…

Article1 month ago

NASA Efforts on Hurricane Milton

1 min read

NASA provides information to FEMA and other agencies about hurricanes and other disasters.


NASA Efforts on Hurricane Helene

1 min read

Throught its disasters program NASA advances science and builds tools to help communities make informed decisions for disaster planning. 

Venus appears orange, yellow, and brown in this simulated view.

Amendment 55: F.20 MOSAICS Seed Funding Winter 2025 review Cut-Off Date Extended.

1 min read

F.20 Mentorship and Opportunities in STEM with Academic Institutions for Community Success (MOSAICS) Seed Funding – formerly known as the…

A tagged elephant seal basks on Kerguelen Island, a French territory in the Antarctic. Elephant seals are tagged as part of a French research program called SO-MEMO (Observing System - Mammals as Samplers of the Ocean Environment), operated by the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). The tags - actually, sensors with antennas - are glued to the seals' heads in accordance with established ethical standards when the animals come ashore either to breed or to molt. The researchers remove the tags to retrieve their data when the seals return to land. If they miss a tag, it drops off with the dead skin in the next molting season. Credit: Sorbonne University/Etienne Pauthenet › Larger view

Amendment 28: Delay of Proposal Due Date for E.11 Consortium in Biological Sciences

1 min read

E.11 Consortium in Biological Sciences solicits proposals from a consortium in biological sciences to enable and/or carry out research investigations…

Satellite photo of a deep green landscape. The top right corner is mostly covered by a patchwork of small altocumulus clouds, the land showing between not significant enough to make any discernable insights. A much smaller patch of similar clouds are also found in the lower left. Streaked between the two patches of clouds is a significant amount of smoke, discernable origin points near the top left, mid center left where Fort Nelson is, and lower center. The smoke is blown to the right of the image and the origin points are opaque, but the bottom right appears somewhat translucent and imparts a somewhat blue hue to the ground seen below.

Amendment 26: A.44 Earth Action: Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Team Proposal Due Date Delay.

1 min read

A.44 Earth Action: Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Team (HAQ AST) seeks proposals to form a Health and Air…
