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Space Shuttle

Mount Everest from Space
1 min read

Crew aboard space shuttle Columbia captured this image of Mount Everest on Nov. 30, 1996, during the STS-80 mission. STS-80,…

Image Article
40 Years Ago: STS-51C, the First Dedicated Department of Defense Shuttle Mission
6 min read

On Jan. 24, 1985, space shuttle Discovery took off from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida on STS-51C, the…

Former NASA Official, Astronaut Bob Cabana Receives Top Civilian Award
4 min read

Robert Cabana, who served as a NASA associate administrator, astronaut, and a colonel in the United States Marine Corps, received…

News Release
How US-Indian NISAR Satellite Will Offer Unique Window on Earth
5 min read

A Q&A with the lead U.S. scientist of the mission, which will track changes in everything from wetlands to ice…

NASA-DOD Study: Saltwater to Widely Taint Coastal Groundwater by 2100
5 min read

Intrusion of saltwater into coastal groundwater can make water there unusable, damage ecosystems, and corrode infrastructure. Seawater will infiltrate underground…

Apollo Legend to Shuttle Trailblazer
40 min read

Former NASA astronaut Fred Haise discusses his experiences from Apollo 13 and beyond. HWHAP 364.

John Herrington Performs a Spacewalk
1 min read

On Nov. 30, 2002, NASA astronauts John Herrington (pictured) and Michael Lopez-Alegria performed the third and final spacewalk of the…

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STS-129 Crew Aboard the Space Station
1 min read

The STS-129 crew members pose for a portrait following a joint news conference with the Expedition 21 crew members on…

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15 Years Ago: STS-129 Delivers Cargo on the Third Utilization and Logistics Flight
10 min read

On Nov. 16, 2009, space shuttle Atlantis began its 31st trip into space, on the third Utilization and Logistics Flight…
