
News & Articles

Earth May Have Captured a 1960s-Era Rocket Booster

6 min read

In 1966, NASA launched Surveyor 2 to the Moon. Now its rocket booster has apparently returned to near-Earth space. Earth…

Article4 years ago
Astronaut and robotic spacecraft on the Moon.

Footpads and Footprints: Humans and Machine Meet on the Moon

3 min read

Before astronauts ever landed on the moon, the Soviets and the Americans sent a fleet of robotic spacecraft to scout…

Article9 years ago

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Looks at Apollo 12, Surveyor 3 Landing Sites

3 min read

The Lunar Orbiter program, much like the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, was designed primarily to obtain images that would allow scientists…

Article11 years ago

Centaur Launched a Generation of Interplanetary Missions

5 min read

The several hundred Lewis Research Center (now NASA Glenn) employees gathered in the cafeteria were just settling down after remotely…

Article12 years ago

Centaur: America’s Workhorse in Space

12 min read

A high-energy rocket is largely responsible for advancing the quest for knowledge and revolutionizing global communications. Its name is Centaur,…

Article12 years ago

Surveyor 2 Impacts Moon

5 min read

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Surveyor II spacecraft impacted the moon near the crater Copernicus on September 22, 1966.

Article58 years ago