Conjunction Assessment Risk Analysis Team (CARA)

NASA Examples of Information to Expedite Review of Commercial Operator Applications to Regulatory Agencies NASA has compiled the examples below…

A Conjunction Assessment Risk Assessment Theory Total Probability of Collision as a Metric for Finite Conjunction Assessment and Collision Risk…

Overview of R&D efforts CARA directs R&D efforts in all CA-related areas, but the principal focus is on collision risk…

CARA CA Home NASA CARA Conjunction Event Prediction Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Unique Conjunction Events More CARA Overview…

Overview of R&D efforts CARA directs R&D efforts in all CA-related areas, but the principal focus is on collision risk…

Setting up CARA for a new mission CARA support is an Agency service provided via NASA Mission Directorate funding for…

CARA CA Home NASA CARA Conjunction Event Prediction Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Unique Conjunction Events More CARA Overview…

Multimission Automated Deepspace Conjunction Assessment Process (MADCAP) The Multimission Automated Deepspace Conjunction Assessment Process (MADCAP) at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory…

From 2016 to 2020 the number of events processed by the NASA CARA team remained relatively stable, with some discrete…