Conjunction Assessment Risk Analysis Team (CARA)
News & Articles
Information to Expedite Review
NASA Examples of Information to Expedite Review of Commercial Operator Applications to Regulatory Agencies NASA has compiled the examples below…
CARA Publications
A Conjunction Assessment Risk Assessment Theory Total Probability of Collision as a Metric for Finite Conjunction Assessment and Collision Risk…
CARA Research and Development
Overview of R&D efforts CARA directs R&D efforts in all CA-related areas, but the principal focus is on collision risk…
Conjunction Assessment Risk Analysis
CARA CA Home NASA CARA Conjunction Event Prediction Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Unique Conjunction Events More CARA Overview…
CARA Research and Development
Overview of R&D efforts CARA directs R&D efforts in all CA-related areas, but the principal focus is on collision risk…
CARA Supported Missions
Setting up CARA for a new mission CARA support is an Agency service provided via NASA Mission Directorate funding for…