Global Precipitation

News & Articles

Credit: NASA

Five stories from five years of spaceborne precipitation measurements

6 min read

On February 27, 2014, a Japanese rocket launched NASA’s latest satellite to advance how scientists study raindrops from space. The…

Article6 years ago
Animation of an atmospheric river storm that occurred on Jan. 28 through 30, bringing half an inch to an inch of rain to many locations in central and southern California. Credit: University of Wisconsin/CIMSS.

Study: Atmospheric river storms can reduce Sierra snow

4 min read

A new study finds atmospheric river storms are 2.5 times more likely than other types of winter storms to cause…

Article9 years ago
The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) instrument on NASA's Aqua satellite captured this image of numerous fires burning in the transition zone between the Sahara Desert to the north and the greener savannas to the south. The image, dating from November 2004, includes parts of Sudan, Chad and other nations to the south and west. Credit: NASA. View larger image.

In Africa, more smoke leads to less rain

4 min read

Agricultural fires in North Africa reduce the region's rainfall during the dry season, according to a NASA study.

Article9 years ago
Credit: Jesse Allen/NASA Earth Observatory, based on data provided by Jackson Tan (NASA/GSFC).

Bigger thunderstorms are bringing more rain to the tropics

4 min read

A new study has shown that increasing rainfall in the wettest regions of the tropics is caused by an increase…

Article10 years ago
Credit: Wikimedia Commons

First global rainfall and snowfall map from new Earth mission released

5 min read

Almost a year after its launch, the Global Precipitation Measurement mission has produced its first global map of rainfall and…

Article10 years ago
Argo Array

Sea level rise: Global warming’s yardstick

6 min read

How NASA missions monitor sea level rise from space, and how the data explain the so-called sea level "drop" in…

Article10 years ago