Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES)

News & Articles

Amendment 36: A.4 Terrestrial Ecology Deferred to ROSES-25

2 min read

When it is solicited, A.4 Terrestrial Ecology solicits proposals to combine observations (surface, airborne, and space-based) with advanced data analysis…


Amendment 35: C.20 Interdisciplinary Consortia for Astrobiology Research Final Text and Due Dates.

2 min read

C.20 Interdisciplinary Consortia for Astrobiology Research (ICAR) seeks proposals focused on ensuring that the NASA Astrobiology community is prepared to…


Amendment 34: A.14 Integrated Water Field Campaign Final Text and Due Dates

2 min read

A.14 Integrated Water Field Campaign is intended to identify and characterize novel physical processes and interactions that can be measured…


Amendment 33: A.27 NISAR Research and Applications Science Team Deferred to ROSES-25

1 min read

When it is solicited, A.27 NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar Mission (NISAR) Research and Applications Science Team (NISAR RAST) will request…

A silver laboratory structure with wires and controls, connected to two laptops

Amendment 32: E.2 Biophysics Not Solicited in ROSES-2024

1 min read

Protein crystals grown in space are often more well-ordered than those grown on Earth. Theory has suggested that the chemical…

The planet Uranus vertical rings on a black background. The planet is light blue with a large, white patch on the right side. On the edge at the upper left is a bright white spot, with another white spot on the left side of the planet.

Amendment 31: Delay of Proposal Due Date for C.15 Planetary Protection Research.

1 min read

C.15 Planetary Protection Research (PPR) solicits mission-enabling and capability-driven research to improve NASA’s understanding of the potential for both forward…
