Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES)
News & Articles
Amendment 93: A.14 Integrated Water Field Campaign Proposal Due Date Deferred to February 12, 2025.
A.14 Integrated Water Field Campaign is intended to identify and characterize novel physical processes and interactions that can be measured…
Amendment 92: A.36 PACE and A.61 INSPYRE Proposal Due Dates Delayed
A.36 The Science of PACE solicits proposals that focus on innovative uses of PACE data to answer integrated disciplinary or…
Amendment 91: C.20 Interdisciplinary Consortia for Astrobiology Research Step-2 Proposal Due Date Delay.
C.20 Interdisciplinary Consortia for Astrobiology Research (ICAR) seeks proposals focused on ensuring that the NASA Astrobiology community is prepared to…
Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Science (ROSES)-2025 to be Released February 14, 2025.
NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) is planning to release its annual omnibus solicitation for basic and applied research, Research Opportunities…
ROSES-25 Blog
ROSES Topics Filter Astrophysics Planetary Science Heliophysics Earth Science BPS
Amendment 90: F.12 Artemis IV Deployed Instruments Program Step-2 proposal due date to deferred to February 28, 2025.
In November 2024 NASA released F.12 Artemis IV Deployed Instruments Program, that solicits proposals for instruments to be deployed on…