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Exoplanet Atmosphere

Exoplanets Need to Be Prepared for Extreme Space Weather, Chandra Finds
5 min read

Planets around other stars need to be prepared for extreme weather conditions, according to a new study from NASA’s Chandra…

NASA’s Pandora Mission One Step Closer To Probing Alien Atmospheres
4 min read

Pandora, NASA’s newest exoplanet mission, is one step closer to launch with the completion of the spacecraft bus, which provides…

Discovery Alert: A Planet with a ‘Tail’
4 min read

The Planet WASP-69 b The Discovery The exoplanet WASP-69 b has a “tail,” leaving a trail of gas in its…

Hubble’s Decade-Long Views of the Outer Solar System Planets
1 min read

This is a montage of Hubble Space Telescope views of our solar system's four giant outer planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,…

OPAL Jupiter Observations
1 min read

A nine-panel collage showing Hubble images of Jupiter taken under the OPAL (Outer Planet Atmospheres Legacy) program from 2015 to…

Multiwavelength OPAL Jupiter
1 min read

Two views of Jupiter showcase the wealth of information provided by the spectral filters on the Hubble Space Telescope's Wide…

Multiwavelength OPAL Saturn
1 min read

A "Warhol-esque" array of Saturn images depict real data from multiple filters mapped onto the RGB colors perceptible to the…

Close-up of Jupiter’s Great Red Spot (8-Panel)
1 min read

Using Hubble Space Telescope data spanning approximately 90 days (between December 2023 and March 2024) when the giant planet Jupiter…

Full Disk of Jupiter (8-Panel)
1 min read

Using Hubble Space Telescope data spanning approximately 90 days (between December 2023 and March 2024) when the giant planet Jupiter…
