Exoplanet Transits

Pandora, NASA’s newest exoplanet mission, is one step closer to launch with the completion of the spacecraft bus, which provides…

The Discovery A huge planet with a long name – IRAS 04125+2902 b – is really just a baby: only…

The discovery A planet thought to orbit the star 40 Eridani A – host to Mr. Spock’s fictional home planet,…

Using observations by NASA’s TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) and many other facilities, two international teams of astronomers have discovered…

Fifteen years ago, astronomers delivered what is now an iconic direct image of an exoplanet, Beta Pictoris b.

A system of seven sweltering planets has been revealed by continued study of data from NASA’s retired Kepler space telescope:…

NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will provide one of the deepest-ever views into the heart of our Milky Way…

The Kepler space telescope was NASA’s first planet-hunting mission, assigned to search a portion of the Milky Way galaxy for…

NASA's Exoplanet Watch project invites you to use your smartphone or personal telescope to help track worlds outside our solar…