Exoplanet Travel Bureau

The Exploration Behind the Inspiration at NASA
4 min read
We imagine a time when space tourists flock to the Moon, vacation in the clouds of Venus, kayak on Saturn’s…

Tour 55 Cancri e in 360 Degrees, Get the Travel Poster and More
3 min read
While you can't actually travel to an exoplanet, these multimedia features are the next-best thing.

Artist’s concept of the surface TRAPPIST-1d
1 min read
An artist’s illustration of TRAPPIST-1d takes you to the surface of the third planet from the red TRAPPIST-1 star. From…

View from hypothetical moon of Kepler-16b
1 min read
An artist’s illustration puts you on the surface of an imaginary moon around the cold gas giant Kepler-16b. Like Luke…