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Super-Earth Exoplanets

Discovery Alert: ‘Super-Earth’ Swings from Super-Heated to Super-Chill
4 min read

The Discovery A possible “super-Earth” orbits a relatively close, Sun-like star, and could be a habitable world – but one…

Discovery Alert: A Rare Glimpse of a Newborn Planet
4 min read

The Discovery A huge planet with a long name – IRAS 04125+2902 b – is really just a baby: only…

Discovery Alert: With Six New Worlds, 5,500 Discovery Milestone Passed!
4 min read

On Aug. 24, 2023, more than three decades after the first confirmation of planets beyond our own solar system, scientists…

Discovery Alert: Spock’s Home Planet Goes ‘Poof’
4 min read

The discovery A planet thought to orbit the star 40 Eridani A – host to Mr. Spock’s fictional home planet,…

NASA’s Webb Hints at Possible Atmosphere Surrounding Rocky Exoplanet
7 min read

Researchers using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope may have detected atmospheric gases surrounding 55 Cancri e, a hot rocky exoplanet…

Discovery Alert: A ‘Super-Earth’ in the Habitable Zone
4 min read

A newly discovered 'super-Earth' dwells in the habitable zone of its parent star – and might have a roughly Earth-sized…

NASA Data Reveals Possible Reason Some Exoplanets Are Shrinking
6 min read

A new study could explain the ‘missing’ exoplanets between super-Earths and sub-Neptunes. Some exoplanets seem to be losing their atmospheres…

Strange New Worlds
1 min read

A world with two suns, a lava planet, and a world trapped in eternal darkness are just some of the…

Kepler / K2
5 min read

The Kepler space telescope was NASA’s first planet-hunting mission, assigned to search a portion of the Milky Way galaxy for…
