Red Giants

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An illustration shows a large, gaseous planet on the lower left, its large bright planet orbiting amid rocky debris. The exoplanet 8 Ursae Minoris b – also known as "Halla" – is shown amid the field of debris after a violent merger of two stars. The planet might have survived the merger, but also might be an entirely new planet formed from the debris. Image credit: W. M. Keck

Discovery Alert: The Planet that Shouldn’t Be There

3 min read

A large, gaseous exoplanet orbits a red giant star that should have destroyed it. It's 530 light-years from Earth.

Article10 months ago


7 min read

Types of Stars The universe’s stars range in brightness, size, color, and behavior. Some types change into others very quickly,…

This visualization provides a three-dimensional perspective on Hubble's image of the nebula Gum 29 with the star cluster Westerlund 2 at its core. The flight traverses the foreground stars and approaches the lower left rim of the nebula Gum 29. Passing through the wispy darker clouds on the near side, the journey reveals bright gas illuminated by the intense radiation of the newly formed stars of cluster Westerlund 2. Within the nebula, several pillars of dark, dense gas are being shaped by the energetic light and strong stellar winds from the brilliant cluster of thousands of stars. Credit: NASA, ESA, G. Bacon, L. Frattare, Z. Levay, and F. Summers (Viz3D Team, STScI), and J. Anderson (STScI)

The Lives, Times, and Deaths of Stars

4 min read

Who among us doesn’t covertly read tabloid headlines when we pass them by? But if you’re really looking for a…

Article4 years ago
Image of white dwarf stars

When Dwarfs Meet Giants and Other True Cosmic Fairy Tales

4 min read

It’s easy to get lost in fantasy worlds through science-fiction movies and novels, but did you know that some of…

Article4 years ago