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A star-forming nebula NGC 604 with red, white, and olive green gas and stars.

NGC 604 – Nebula in M33 Triangulum Galaxy

NGC 604 is an enormous star-forming nebula in one of M33’s spiral arms. Spanning almost 1,500 light-years, NGC 604 is nearly 100 times larger than the Orion Nebula in our own galaxy and contains more than 200 hot, massive, young stars (versus the Orion Nebula’s four). This image of NGC 604 is constructed from observations taken with Hubble’s Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 in 1994, 1995 and 2001.

Image Credit: NASA and the Hubble Heritage Team (AURA/STScI); acknowledgment: D. Garnett (U. Arizona), J. Hester (ASU) and J. Westphal (Caltech)