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Mostly orange colored ocean water is seen left with light to dark blue ice depicted right. The boundary between them is primarily a diagonal from top center right to lower left. The water nearest the ice takes on a more yellow color than the darker sea to the left, and it cuts down into the ice shelf at a steep angle just below the image top center. The gap between the ice bodies then takes a more narrow 90 degree turn and reconnects to open ocean near the bottom left, creating full separation and an iceberg that is just beginning to depart the ice shelf.

The Brunt Ice Shelf lost a large wedge of floating ice, the third sizeable iceberg to calve from the shelf in recent years.

The Brunt Ice Shelf lost a large wedge of floating ice, the third sizeable iceberg to calve from the shelf in recent years. View the full story

Image Credit: NASA Earth Observatory / Michala Garrison