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On the bottom is an image of a compact spherical cluster of white stars, so thickly assembled near its center that it becomes imposssible to distinguish between them. A small box in that calls out the next image, to the right, a Hubble closeup of some of the stars that shows many white and blue stars against a black bacgkground. Another callout box in that shows a closeup of stars in the Hubble image. This image, to the top left, shows multiple bluish and reddish stars.


This composite image shows the location of the accidentally discovered dwarf galaxy named Bedin 1, which lies far behind globular cluster Caldwell 93 (NGC 6752). The lower image of the cluster is a ground-based observation from the Digitized Sky Survey 2. The upper right image from Hubble shows a closer view of some of the cluster’s stars. The upper left image (a section of the Hubble image) highlights the region containing the galaxy Bedin 1, which appears as a concentration of stars on the left side of the image.

Image Credit: NASA, ESA, L. Bedin (Astronomical Observatory of Padua, Italy), and Digitized Sky Survey 2