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This image includes three panels. The first image at left shows the globular cluster Omega Centauri, a collection of myriad stars colored red, white, and blue on the black background of space. The second image, middle, zooms in on details of the central region of this cluster, with a closer view of the individual stars. The third image, at right, zooms in further to show the location of the intermediate-mass black hole candidate in the cluster. A dark region is circled and labeled "likely location of black hole." A scale bar about one-sixth the width of the image is labeled "0.1 light-year."

Hubble Evidence for an Intermediate-Mass Black Hole Candidate in Omega Centauri

An international team of astronomers used more than 500 images from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope – spanning two decades of observations – to detect seven fast-moving stars in the innermost region of Omega Centauri, the largest and brightest globular cluster in the sky. These stars provide compelling new evidence for the presence of an intermediate-mass black hole (IMBH) tugging on them. Only a few other IMBH candidates have been found to date. This image shows the location of the IMBH in Omega Centauri. If confirmed, at its distance of 17,700 light-years the candidate black hole resides closer to Earth than the 4.3-million-solar-mass black hole in the center of the Milky Way, which is 26,000 light-years away. Besides the Galactic center, it would also be the only known case of a number of stars closely bound to a massive black hole. This image includes three panels. The first image at left shows the globular cluster Omega Centauri, a collection of myriad stars colored red, white, and blue on the black background of space. The second image shows the details of the central region of this cluster, with a closer view of the individual stars. The third image shows the location of the IMBH candidate in the cluster.

Image Credit: ESA/Hubble, NASA, Maximilian Häberle (MPIA)