Two bright stars shine a distance away from each other, looking like eyes. An orangey haze emanates around and between them.

C68 (NGC 6729)

Caldwell 68 is a hazy reflection nebula, a star-forming cloud of gas and dust that glows with the energy emitted from a hot, nearby star. These nebulae can glow across various wavelengths of light, but this particular image was captured in the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum. The star that illuminates Caldwell 68 is known as a T Tauri star — a type of young star whose brightness fluctuates over time. The observations used to create this image were part of a survey of nearby T Tauri stars searching for visible circumstellar disks.

Credits: NASA, ESA, and K. Stapelfeldt (Jet Propulsion Laboratory); Processing: Gladys Kober (NASA/Catholic University of America)