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Archived Nuggets

Archived Nuggets

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What is a nugget?

A nugget is a one page snapshot of an event that impacted learners using NASA Science-funded experts, content, or authentic experiences.

February 2021

My NASA Data Presents to the Science Education Council

My NASA Data Presents to the Science Edu Council

Researcher Sanaz Esmaeili crawls through a lava tube in California to map its size and shape.

NASA’s Planetary Analogs Website

Sample Air Quality Investigation Poster

Investigating GLOBE Air Quality from the Ground

January 2021

2020 Center of Science and Industry (COSI) Virtual Science Festival

3-D Thursdays for Rural Educators

December 2020

Slide titled

A Framework for Diversity and Equity

My NASA Data Presents to NASA’s Climate Change Research Initiative- Educator Ambassador Program

My NASA Data

Virtual Programs with NASA Scientists for Public Libraries

Virtual Programs with NASA Scientists

November 2020

Three GLOBE Campaigns Present at the Latin America Conference

My NASA Data Presents to NASA’s Climate Change Research Initiative

Earth to Sky Climate Science & Communication Workshop

Earth to Sky Climate Science & Communication Workshop

GLOBE Mission Earth Partner

GLOBE Mission Earth Partner

Screen shot of slide entitled

Connecting Students and Scientists

Earth to Sky Brings NASA Earth Science to the National Association for Interpretation

Earth to Sky

October 2020

Astromaterials SMEs Inspire & Share OSIRIS-REx TAG Details

Inspire & Share OSIRIS-REx TAG Details

NASA SEES Alumni Win National Google Hackathon

Former SEES Interns Win Top Prize

Evaluating the Effectiveness of the NASA eClips 4D Program

Evaluating the Effectiveness of the NASA eClips 4D

September 2020

Crop of a photo gallery of Girl Scout Badging Event Session Facilitators & Activity Leads.

Girl Scout Badging Event with Astromaterials

Three people in orange parkas with a telescope at the South Pole.

International Observe the Moon Night 2020

NASA SEES 2020 Internship: Mosquito Mappers

NASA SEES 2020 Internship: Mosquito Mappers

Slide with Patrick Taylor, Wanda Hathaway, and Joselyn Hathaway over a teal cloud background.

2020 Community Cloud Challenge

August 2020

Two Years* of the Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign

Two Years of the Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign

LaRC Plays a Major Role in GME Elementary GLOBE Hybrid Professional Development

LaRC Plays a Major Role in GME Elementary GLOBE Hybrid Professional Development





NASA kits to the Blackfeet Nation, MT

NASA kits to the Blackfeet Nation, MT

Video screenshot of the Sedona landforms with a large Play button.

Place-Based, Active Learning, Virtual Field Trips

During a group webcam chat, teachers use their hands to dance.

Virtual Training with Portsmouth Teachers

North Dakota Space Grant Consortium logo

My NASA Data Presents to North Dakota Teachers

Discover Space Girl Scouts patch featuring colorful cartoon planets.

Great Space Challenge for Girls

July 2020

Perseverance Rover sidewalk chalk drawing

Solar System Ambassadors Reach 50,000 Events



Accenture Holds International GLOBE Observer Clouds Competition

Accenture Holds International GLOBE Observer Clouds Competition

Slide titled

My NASA Data Presents Data Literacy Strategies

Venn diagram of 3 blue raindrops (content, visuals, data).

GLOBE Mission Earth Attends Data Literacy PD


The Smoky Mountains STEM Collaborative

Aerial view of the Mars surface

Follow Perseverance to Mars

June 2020





Three cards entitled


Slide titled

Astromaterials SME Engages Educators

Citizen Scientist Carmen Mandel

Citizen Spurs 36% Increase in Satellite Data Matches

Screenshot of a Zoom meeting.

Networking: A Critical Early Career Scientist Need

May 2020

2020 Center of Science and Industry (COSI) Virtual Science Festival

2020 COSI Virtual Science Festival

NASA Earth System Science Award Webinars

NASA Earth System Science Award Webinars

Heat maps of the Gulf of Maine from 1986, 1996, 2006, and 2016.

Gulf of Maine Research Institute Home Delivery

Engaging Ohio Teachers in GLOBE and NASA Resources

Engaging Ohio Teachers in GLOBE and NASA Resources

University Engineering Students Present their GLOBE Instrumentation Projects Virtually

University Engineering Students Present their GLOBE Instrumentation Projects Virtually

Spring into Green

My NASA Data Springs into Green

Screenshot of six webinar attendees

Screencasting: Creativity and Understanding

Science project board entitled

GME SATELLITES Student Conference Goes Virtual

Screenshot of a 16 member Zoom call.

Online Learning eXchange (OLeX)

April 2020

A hand holding a tinfoil-wrapped tube up to a webcam.

Bringing the Stories of the Skies to Your Library

Data Literacy Experiences in the Earth Sciences for Preservice STEM Teachers

Data Literacy Experiences in the Earth Sciences for Preservice STEM Teachers

Spring into Urban Heat Islands with My NASA Data

Spring into Urban Heat Islands with My NASA Data

Astronomy Magazine Interview for Citizen Science Month

Astronomy Magazine Interview for Citizen Science Month

Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE) Virtual Conference

SITE Virtual Conference

A bearded man uses scissors while a blonde woman smiles for the camera.

STEAM Ahead @ Home with NASA@ My Library

Girl Scouts Connected

GLOBE Observer and Girl Scouts – GO GS Online

GLOBE Clouds Family Guide

GLOBE Clouds Family Guide

Solar System Ambassadors and Social Distancing

Solar System Ambassadors and Social Distancing

March 2020

NASA@ My Library March 2020 Nugget

NASA@ My Library March 2020 Nugget

Encouraging Kids To Get Outside with GLOBE During School Closures

Encouraging Kids To Get Outside with GLOBE During School Closures

Patron Experience Pilot (PEP) Training: A Librarian Workshop in Preparation for a Year Long Project on Interest Development

Patron Experience Pilot (PEP) Training

February 2020

The Impact of a NASA Subject Matter Expert (SME) Visit to Grade 4 Students

The Impact of a NASA Subject Matter Expert (SME) Visit to Grade 4 Students

Thumbnail with a photo of ice and water on the left and details for a NASA STEAM webinar on the right.

My NASA Data: Sea and Land Ice Melt

Martian lander made out of paper and pipe cleaners.


Kevin Czajkowski & eight GLOBE Mission EARTH teachers posing in front of a projector screen.

LaRC Engages Teachers with My NASA Data Virtually

Three people posing in front of a Science Activation booth.

American Camp Conference in San Diego

A teacher and an elementary school student examine soils on a tray.

The Data Challenge Results Are In!

Annie Jump Cannon and Henrietta Leavitt cosplayers looking at a lunar globe.

NASA GSFC SSED at Space Fest

January 2020

Elizabeth Joyner presenting via webcam next to a My NASA Data graphic.

My NASA Data Presents to Educators

Explore Science: Earth & Space Toolkits

Explore Science: Earth & Space Toolkits

Watershed Management Undergraduates Mentor

Watershed Management Undergraduates Mentor

December 2019

NIA Collaborates with Virginia Association of Science Teachers for Teacher Professional Development Workshop

Teacher Professional Development Workshop

NASA eClips Winter 2019 Newsletter Highlights New NASA Resources and Upcoming STEM Events

NASA eClips Winter 2019 Newsletter

Astronaut Doug Wheelock shakes a young man's hand.

NASA GSFC at Walter Reed Holiday Party

A man and woman hold paper masks in front of their faces.

Infiniscope Launches Partnership with LAUSD

A man in a white shirt and hat addresses a group of teachers outside.

GLOBE Mission EARTH: K-12 Mentors

A group of people gathered in front of the Earth to Sky Partnership booth.

NASA Connects with Interpreters

November 2019

Earth to Sky 2-day Climate Science and Communication Workshop

Earth to Sky 2-day Climate Science and Communication Workshop

NASA GLOBE Fall Clouds Challenge receives over 45,000 observations from volunteer citizen scientists

NASA GLOBE Fall Clouds Challenge


Planetary Mission Concept Selections

A group of people on the steps of the National Center for Atmospheric Research.

Earth to Sky: Climate Science & Communication

Seated college students listening at a session.

GLOBE Observer featured at Climate Impact Event

Hikers on a lush, sunny trail.

Hiking with a Purpose using GLOBE Observer

Four people chatting around a table with three laptops

Change in Glacier Bay National Park

A man and woman holding their hands up in front of the NASA Langley meatball sculpture

NASA GLOBE Fall Clouds Challenge

Large projector screen displaying a slide entitled

Celebrating Lunar Exploration

Elizabeth Joyner presenting via webcam next to a My NASA Data graphic.

National Webinar Series for Earth Science Educators

Group photo in front of wall with NASA Goddard signage

Inaugural Earth to Sky Academy

Title slide with the title

eClips Announces Teacher Advisory Board Members

Trena Ferrell seated at a display table.

Engaging Families in NASA Earth Science

Two students on the floor with a BB-8 robot.

LPI Hosts Best Buy’s Geek Squad Academy

Dr. Michael Evans and college students in a planetarium

Immersing Students in Planetary Geology

October 2019

Apollo 11 landing site recreation on a grassy field.

Apollo 11 50th Anniversary Celebrations

Six people stand in front of a purple skyline.

GLOBE Mission EARTH-West Leads NARM

Mendenhall Glacier

Impacts of Outwash Flooding

Molly Taylor near a geocache site on Mount Blackmore.

AREN Member Recognized as Top GLOBE Observer

A young participant preparing to test out his lunar lander, aiming for the Moon's south pole.

International Observe the Moon Night at Goddard

Eight people pose in front of a moon and astronaut backdrop.

SkyFest: International Observe the Moon Night

A person wearing goggles and holding a tarp in the Maumee River.

Students Collecting Water from a Local River

September 2019

Students preparing to launch water bottle rockets from the field.

NASA STEM Day at Fenway Park

Dr. Edgard Rivera-Valentín speaking to children with VR headsets.

Hispanic Heritage Month: Marte (Mars)

Two girl scouts use a telescope outside.

Space Science Badges Completed By Girl Scouts

Peder Nelson holding a microphone and pointing to a projector slide

Montana State AREN Team Hosts Science Pub Talk

Dr. Sharon Bowers helps a young participant create moon maps with bubbles and paint at NASA’s Langley Youth Day

NASA eClips Participates at NASA’s Langley Youth Day

A big and little brother proudly display their successful Mars Lander

Goddard Hosts Big Brothers Big Sisters

August 2019

NASA’s Universe of Learning & Girls Who Code

NASA’s Universe of Learning & Girls

Children in lime green t-shirts at display tables.

Take Me Out to the Ballgame with AREN

College students flying kites on a lawn.

Upward Bound STEM Day with NASA/AREN

Group photo of AZGA summer institute participants. Photo taken from above and participants standing on carpeting with Mars crater images printed on it.

Infiniscope Joins with GLOBE & My NASA Data

Kelly Christopher holds an Apollo 11 model.

Solar System Ambassadors Celebrate Apollo 11 at 50

Screenshot of slide with multiple smaller slides

Summer Astrophoto Challenges

July 2019

A Virtual Trip to the Stars with NASA /YWCA & Rosie’s Girls

A Virtual Trip to the Stars with NASA /YWCA & Rosie’s Girls

JFK Library Space Fest

JFK Library Space Fest

Collage of young students participating in hands-on activities

YMCA STEM Fair at Virginia Air and Space Center

Three students in front of a projector screen and laptop. On the displays are a bearded man via webcam.

PoPNet Prep for NASA@ My Library Virtual Programs

Exhibitions at Lynn Meadows Discovery Center in Gulfport, MS.

52 Sun, Earth, Universe Exhibitions

A seated young woman holds a VR device to her eyes.

Apollo 11 at 50: Looking Back to Move Forward

A young girl has her hand in a spacesuit glove at an Apollo booth.

Apollo 50th Anniversary on the National Mall

Interns pose outside of the Lunar Curation Lab where Jeremy Kent poses with lunar samples.

SEES 2019 Interns Tour NASA JSC

Jerry Woodfill holds an Apollo 11 model in front of a webcam.

Apollo Engineer Jerry Woodfill shares stories

A group of people on the steps of the Syun-Ichi Akasofu Building.

Braiding Western and Indigenous Science

A handful of people under a tent with a green star projector.

International Society for Technology in Education

June 2019

Infiniscope team member presenting Infiniscope learning experiences and teaching network on Hyperwall display within NASA booth. Audience seating filled with interested librarians.

Infiniscope Digital Teaching Network

GO Oklahoma!

GO Oklahoma!

SSTP International Collaborations

SSTP International Collaborations

STEM Enhancement in Earth Science

STEM Enhancement in Earth Science (SEES) 2019 Virtual Student Cohort

People gathered at an outdoor seating area

GSFC Solar System Exploration Division

Artist's rendition of Resource Prospector

NASA eClips Releases New Videos About the Moon

Screenshot from

NASA eClips Releases New Videos About Asteroids

Four high school students sit in a science classroom.

Solar Eclipse 2019 – How to Collect Data with GLOBE

Total Solar Eclipse

Total Solar Eclipse Live from Chile

May 2019

A young woman builds planets with Play-Doh for a boy.

Maker Faire Bay Area

A group of people fill a set of stairs outside.

GLOBE Pacific Student Research Symposium

NASA at Odyssey of the Mind World Finals

NASA @ Odyssey of the Mind World Finals

April 2019

Jessica and Leslie look at white cards on their table.

ITEEA 81st Annual Conference

Left: Sharon Bowers demonstrates an app to a young girl. Right: Girl with her finger on a spinning multicolored wheel at an exhibition booth.

Virginia Homeschoolers Conference

Three women look at poster boards titled

Space Science Training for Public Library Staff

March 2019

A young girl points at a laptop screen for another girl.

Heard Elementary AZ SciTech Festival

Troy Cline, Carolyn Ng, Lani Sasser, and Eddie Gonzales pose on a state in front of a SITE banner.

NSSEC at the 2019 SITE Conference

A woman seated at an exhibition booth points to a spot on a lunar globe.

Lunar & Planetary Science Conference’s Lunar Palooza

Woman holding a rock.

FameLab USA: Participant Impacts

Sharon Bowers talks to a man at the eClips exhibit booth.

eClips Engages Students & Parents at STEM Expo

Photo of teacher and student

Earth and Space Science Toolkits

Group photo in front of a banner that says

NASA and the Navajo Nation Partnership

February 2019

Carolyn Ng, Tina Harte, and Christine Shupla pose at a NASA Science Activation booth.

NASA at 2019 American Camp Association

Two scientists posing in white protective clothing and masks.

NASA’s Stardust Curation Lab

Joan Harper-Neely poses with the NASA eClips Spotlites exhibit table.

NASA eClips at NISE Network Partner Meeting

November 2018

Local educators analyze “ice core samples” with a NASA eClips activity.

‘Just in Time’: Earth Systems for Educators

September 2018

A woman wearing a VR headset holds the earth in her hands.

ICESat-2 Pre-launch Educator Workshop

July 2018

A woman stands in front of a wall of screens reading

American Library Association Conference

A woman takes a tablet selfie in front of a green screen.

2018 ALA Annual Conference Highlights

June 2018

Nine people pose on a baseball field.

NASA STEM Day at Fenway Park

Children looking up in a planetarium.

Engaging Unique Audiences in Planetariums

Four people pose with their display table.

STEM Day at Fenway Park

May 2018

Students and teachers pose using sign language.

Students Meet NASA Subject Matter Experts

People look through paper tubes with one eye.

Collaborative Summer Library Program Meeting

Screenshot of slide titled

NASA@ My Library Space Science Institute

Animated image of two people looking up at huge planets.

SEES NSF STEM for All Video Showcase

A woman holds a globe in front of children.

Sharing Unique NASA Assets

Two men holding a Webby award.

22nd Annual Webby Awards

Girl Scouts in pink sweatshirts and teal vests at an activity booth

Girl Scouts Cross the Golden Gate Bridge

Betsy McAllister poses with an eClips/Spotlite display table.

eClips Demonstrates Nondestructive Evaluation

Two women look at a young boy in front of a display table outdoors.

Astronomy Clubs Reach 4 Million Visitors

College students pose with a big kite.

Taking Kite Science to New Heights

Dr. Czajkowski presents to elementary school students.

Introducing Students to Subject Matter Experts

A handful of people look at an NIA collage on the wall.

NIA’s Center for Integrative STEM Education

An elementary school student uses polarized sunglasses to test a plastic sample.

NASA eClips Presents at STEM Career Fair

Two high schoolers pose in front of their project.

GME SATELLITES Student Conference 2018

Educators became certified as GLOBE Teachers making Cloud observations using the GLOBE Observer app.

Celebrating Earth Day with NASA Langley

April 2018

A little girl holds a dry-erase board next to a man in a green polo.

PoPNet Sites Join NASA@ My Library

The interaction of solar winds with Earth’s magnetosphere visualized in OpenSpace.

Sun-Earth Day featuring OpenSpace At AMNH

Seven students standing in front of a wall.

GLOBE ENSO III Student Investigations with NASA

Map of the U.S. with red and yellow pins. The red represents

“Journey to Mars” Webinar

A group of people hold colorful signs that say thanks in different language.

GLOBE Clouds Data Challenge

Andrea Jones shows a rock to two students.

Earth Day 2018

Six people pose behind a NASA display table.

Month of the Military Child

NASA-themed library kit displayed on a table

State Libraries Join NASA@ My Library

Four people hold wooden sticks with pieces of paper up to ceiling lights.

Easy STEM Integration with NASA Resources

Incarcerated men listen to an astrobiology lecture.

Astrobiology for the Incarcerated in WA

NASA Goddard's Moon table/booth

USA Science & Engineering Festival

Three smartphones being used as microscopes

GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper

A woman holds a phone up to animated clouds.

World Meteorological Day Events

A woman and girl examine a globe.

NASA GSFC at AwesomeCon 2018

A woman stands in front of a large screen of images.

NASA Astromaterials (Rocks from Space)

Dr. Jonathan Lunine converses with a man in a red scarf.

Diving into Ocean Worlds

Dr. Michael Evans speaks to a student in front of a planetarium

Planetary Geology

A woman stands in front of a large blue screen filled with white dots.

National Science Teacher Association Conference

A man and woman speak in front of an audience.

Lunar and Planetary Science Conference

March 2018

A woman extends her arm while speaking to three other seated women

20th Alaska Forum on the Environment

Collage of three photos from the 2018 National Science Teachers Association Conference

National Science Teachers Association Conference

Betsy McAllister engages an elementary school student in a hands-on demonstration.

NASA eClips™ STEM Night

A young woman looks at a GLOBE Cloud Chart in front of a young man wearing a lanyard

A Good Day to Do GLOBE

Panorama of the American Geophysical Union Fall Conference

American Geophysical Union Fall Conference

A woman in a pink shirt walks amongst a group of seated people

NASA@ My Library Training

Thumbnail of PowerPoint slide entitled

STEAM Innovation Lab Tours

Screenshot of GPB page with an embedded YouTube video

NASA eClips Featured in Winter Olympics Toolkit

Dozens of people posing on a set of stairs

NASA@ My Library Workshop

Educators participate in a workshop

Virginia Children’s Engineering Conference

Students take apart a computer

JPL @ Engineering Week 2018

College student demonstrates how to use an Infrared Thermometer outside

GLOBE in the 2018 MUREP Educator Institutes

February 2018

Kids creating Spotlite video in front of a green screen

Kids Creating Spotlite Videos Get Local Press

Planet 9 and Brown Dwarf

Citizen Science Project’s First Anniversary!

Snow covered trees in Tok, Alaska

Warming Climate at 40 Below Zero

Students learning on black laptops

Infiniscope’s EdTech Platform

Paige Graff and Susan Runco stand in front of a table with NASA astromaterial assets

Planetary Science Symposium

A man uses a smartphone to do cloud observations

GLOBE and GLOBE Observer Programs

Super Blue Blood Moon

A Super Blue Moon Month

High school students study at a round table

4-H National Youth Summit on Agri-Science

PLANETS logo depicting silhouettes of children and a telescope in front of a purple sky

Free Resources for Grades 6th-8th

January 2018

Google map image with pins representing Trinidad and Tobago school locations

Networking through GLOBE

An astronaut gives a hands-on presentation to students

Northwest Earth & Space Sciences Pipeline

11 year-old girl holding 3D model of Supernova

Star Party and 3D Printing

A woman uses the NASA GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper App with a clip-on microscope

GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper App

December 2017

Dr. Kimberly Arcand shows 8th graders her exhibit

Junior Achievement of Rhode Island

A group of students pose outside

GLOBE Mission EARTH-West

November 2017

Workshop participants pose in front of a U.S. flag at Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge

Earth to Sky Interpreting Climate Change Workshop

Photo of children pointing at screen displaying space image

OpenSpace Evidence of Impact Story for Year 2

Geological Society of America GeoCareers mentor panel

Geological Society of America

Map of the U.S. with purple pins indicating NASA@ My Library pilot and partner libraries

NASA@ My Library Partners

The DEVELOP team standing in front of a poster of the globe

Taking a Bite Out of Mosquito-borne Illness

Salem Keizer Volcanoes fans and players wearing eclipse glasses

NASA’s LRO makes Baseball History

A man presents to students at a display table with a microscope

Goddard’s International Observe the Moon Night

A young woman looks through a telescope

International Observe the Moon Night 2017

A boy and his father learn from a young man at a table outside

GLOBE Mission EARTH Outreach-UT

Screenshot of GO Mosquito Challenge infographic

GO Mosquito Challenge Project

October 2017

Civil Air Patrol (CAP) photograph of flooded woodland after Hurricane Harvey

Student Assists with Harvey Data Analysis

Stacy Dees presents in front of a projector screen that reads

2017 Society of Women Engineers Conference

A little girl looks at soil through a magnifying glass

NASA Langley Centennial Open House

Two women observe a soil sample

GLOBE at American Camp Association

A man teaches a few students outside

Pre-Service Teachers Participate in GLOBE

Collage of Ariel Anbar, students, and screenshots of Habitable Worlds online science class

PI Recognized as Top 10 Teaching Innovator

4th grade students examine small rocks on paper plates


Dr. Paul Schenk presenting a keynote address

NASA at National Planetarium Conference

Tina Harte and three other women standing around a table with handouts

NSTA Baltimore Regional Conference

A man and woman present a Mission to Mars booth to cub scouts

Chain Bridge Camporall 2017 “Mission to Mars”

Meteorologist Guillermo Quiroz standing in front of a wooden wall that several men are constructing

Meteorologist Secures ISS Downlink

Thumbnail of PowerPoint slide entitled

GLOBE Mission EARTH Webinar #1

September 2017

A man points at a whiteboard in a classroom of students

Solar System Ambassadors Commemorate Cassini

Several people standing in a room having a discussion

Empowering Effective STEM Role Models

Artist's rendering of proposed Exploration Zone being considered for human landing site on Mars

Mars Trek Version 3.0 Released

Satellite image of Hurricane with the letters NOVA

Bringing the Universe to America’s Classrooms

Students wearing eclipse glasses

Solar System Ambassadors: Eclipse Across America

Thumbnail of PowerPoint slide entitled

GLOBE Mission EARTH – UT: Elementary GLOBE

Mimi Aung gives a presentation in front of the Mars Helicopter

Mars Helicopter at Intrepid Museum in New York

High school students wearing eclipse glasses


Young students taking measurements with a rain gauge and instrument shelter

GLOBE ENSO Student Research Campaign

August 2017

Christian Mouton presents the NASA eClips Spotlite video on Physical Change to a service member

Langley Air Force Base’s STEM Mixer

Mad Science Group Inc. logo

NASA eClips Collaboration with Mad Science

A group of teachers pose on the grass in front of trees

GLOBE Mission EARTH Teacher PD in Providence RI

Three female teachers gather around buckets on a wooden deck

GLOBE Teacher Workshop in VA

Students prepare balloons for launch

Northwest Earth & Space Sciences Pipeline

Still image from animation of U.S. air temperature observation starting at 1600 UT on Monday

GLOBE Observer Total Eclipse App

A woman holds her hands up to a poster on a wood board

GLOBE Annual Meeting in New Haven, CT

Thumbnail of PowerPoint slide entitled

Making the Sky: Astronomy in 3D

July 2017

A group of people pose with the Catalina Station in the background

Girl Scouts Attend Astronomy Camps

Two women look at a laptop screen

eClips Presents at VTEEA Conference

A woman wearing Wonder Woman sunglasses stands in front of an SSA display

JPL Solar System Ambassadors on Base

A blonde woman in a red NASA shirt gives a presentation

American Library Association Conference

Students and staff pose in front of mounted canvas prints

Students Produce eClips Spotlite Videos

A woman talks to children seated around her on a rug

eClips Visits Hampton City Libraries to 2017 Eclipse

A group of people standing on the grass at the Virginia Beach Central Library SSA event

Solar System Ambassadors & STAR_Net Libraries

Brett Denevi, Nayi Castro, and Tim Livengood

NASA GSFC at 2017 AwesomeCon

Still from video of Begona Vila

Engineering Design to Support Scientific Discovery

Young male students from Arlington Career and Technical Center present their work to NASA GSFC SVS producers

NASA eClips Spotlites Video Review

June 2017

Still capture from a YouTube video from OpenSpace entitled

Heliophysics Public Program @ AMNH

Crowds of people interact with NASA displays at Chicago’s Field Museum

Astrobiology Institute Team at Chicago Field Museum

A man gives a presentation in front of the Hyperwall

American Library Association Conference

Elena Sparrow poses with Joanna Greene and her six students

GLOBE Northwest Student Research Symposium

A man wearing glasses designed for safely viewing the eclipse

Preparing for the Great American Total Eclipse 2017

Thumbnail of PowerPoint slide entitled “A Ticket to Explore JPL 2017”

A Ticket to Explore JPL 2017

A woman holding a gold statuette award

Presentations/Trainings on the Solar Eclipse

Thumbnail of PowerPoint slide entitled

Odyssey of the Mind World Finals

Portrait photo of Professor Lynn Cominsky

2017 Frank J. Malina Astronautics Medal

May 2017

A young girl looks with interest at a tablet screen

Johns Hopkins University’s 14th Annual Physics Fair

A woman and girl hold binoculars from a box of NASA@ My Library materials

NASA@ My Library Partners

Box of solar eclipse materials

2017 Total Eclipse Materials

High school research project called

GME SATELLITES Student Conference

A large group of people pose for the camera indoors

2017 Astrobiology Science Conference

A female high school student in a NASA t-shirt stands behind a table with a sun exhibit

Hampton Roads Mini Maker Faire

A group of people pose for the camera in front of a backdrop

Earth to Sky Interagency Partnership

April 2017

A grey-haired man in a suit gives a presentation via Ustream

Eclipse Presentation for NASA@ My Library

A blonde woman holds a phone above her head in front of a few young women

NASA Langley at Peninsula Fine Arts Center

Six women webcam with a small classroom of middle schoolers

NASA Langley STEM Women

A man interacts with a display at a NASA booth


A man gives a presentation to teachers

Promoting the GLOBE Program

March 2017

A young man presents from a poster to a group of young people

48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference

Three adolescent students playing a computer game

“Where are the Small Worlds?”

Illustration of TRAPPIST-1f's possible surface

Universe of Learning Science Briefing

Female attendees take educational materials at the NASA exhibit booth

Eclipse at American Camp Association

James Howe and Jesse Moore pose for the camera

STEM Student’s Success!

February 2017

Dr. C instructs an audience of citizen scientists

Cloud Observations During 2017 Solar Eclipse

A group of smiling women and men

STEM Role Model Training

Four female teachers having a discussion next to a building

GLOBE at Elizabeth City State University

A group of people stand outside on the pavement in front of rocky hills

NASA and the Navajo Nation

Google Map of SnowEx Flight Plan for local region


Two women provide information at a NASA Langley Research Center booth

American Meteorological Society 2017

Middle school students sit in a planetarium

Northwest Earth & Space Sciences Pipeline

Portion of a STAR_Net page with image of two girls and the title

Girls STEAM Ahead with NASA

January 2017

A man stands in front of a projected image of the sun

Space Telescope Science Institute OPO

12 JANUARY_AirborneAstronomyAmbassador2016 crop.jpg

Airborne Astronomy Ambassadors on SOFIA

Thumbnail of PowerPoint slide entitled

Sustainable Trainer Engagement Program

December 2016

Eleven men and women seated at a long table listen to a blonde woman speak


November 2016

A little girl looks through a telescope

International Observe the Moon Night at Goddard

People look to the sky at Cosmolarium Castillo de Hornos de Segura; Hornos, Andalusia, Spain

International Observe the Moon Night

Young participants holding signs at Catawba Science Center

Catawba Engineering Time

Thumbnail of PowerPoint slide entitled

Homeschool Learning

Facilitators listening to a NASA atmospheric scientist during the GLOBE training workshop

GLOBE at Community Centers

Cartoon yellow airplane with eyes and a mouth

Space Racers

October 2016

Girl Scouts leaning on large brown sphere

Girl Scouts and Total Eclipse

Participants applying role model strategies to real-work scenarios

STEM Role Models

Laura Schetter with students doing Hydrology Protocols

GLOBE Citizen Science

September 2016

Students from St. Ursula Academy, a GLOBE school

GLOBE – STEM in the Park

Female teacher and fourth graders sitting on the grass and reading

GLOBE at the Challenger Learning Center

Participants learn about OSIRIS-REx from team member Dolores Hill

Exploring the Solar System

August 2016

Six smiling Goddard Helio team members posing outside at AAS

AAS Eclipse Meeting

Thumbnail of PowerPoint slide entitled

Northwest Earth & Space Sciences Pipeline

June 2016

Thumbnail of PowerPoint slide entitled

Odyssey of the Mind

Thumbnail of PowerPoint slide entitled

Cosmic Explorations

May 2016

Thumbnail of PowerPoint slide entitled

Midwest GLOBE

Public librarians from rural New York communities learn about the Martian environment and Mars exploration

NY Librarians Explore Mars

April 2016

Biologist Fabrice Genevois & teacher Laura Schetter collecting data in Antarctica

GLOBE in Antarctica

Students working with water and Estes rockets in a grassy field

Northwest Earth & Space Sciences Pipeline

March 2016

Troy Cline of Goddard Heliophysics, demonstrating the Solar Eclipse Tactile Map with a blind Micronesian Elder

Total Solar Eclipse