Climate Change Education with NJ Climate Educators & My NASA Data
On 01/20/2022, NASA Langley’s Elizabeth Joyner presented My NASA Data to 36 New Jersey teachers from grades 4-12 enrolled in the Montclair State University's Climate Science Program. Joyner showcased My NASA Data resources that incorporate NASA Earth data and hands-on activities modeling what can be done in the classroom with students. This climate education program is designed to prepare and support teachers as they teach New Jersey state science standards's climate change content. Through a variety of presentations and workshops, teachers develop their content knowledge about climate science and the interdisciplinary components of understanding Earth's changing climate. Teachers work collaboratively to develop and test lessons that incorporate professionally collected data from NASA that address climate science with their students. (Award No. NNX16AC54A)
“That was wonderful. There is so much on the My NASA Data site.”
“It’s so nice that Elizabeth wants to hear our feedback and needs.” ~Karen Woodruff