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NASA Earth Science Resources Presented to Massachusetts School Superintendents

NASA Earth Science Resources Presented to Massachusetts School Superintendents

On October 29th, 2021, NASA Langley Research Center Education Coordinator, Elizabeth Joyner, presented to 25 Superintendents from the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents’ Global Studies 21st Century Skills Committee (GS-21). This presentation, coordinated and facilitated by Larissa Schelkin from the Global STEM Education Center Global Technology & Engineering Consortium (GTEC), showcased the NASA Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program and related NASA resources. Joyner's presentation also featured education and data visualization assets from My NASA Data and showcased opportunities for students to explore place-based science in their communities. Joyner and Schelkin were also joined by esteemed colleague, the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission's Education & Outreach Coordinator, Dorian Janey. Together, the presenters encouraged the superintendents to increase their support of data literacy, citizen science, and "wicked" problem solving using NASA resources like GLOBE, My NASA Data, and other authentic data in their schools. These efforts were made as part of the NASA Science Activation GLOBE Mission Earth Project, which seeks to embed NASA assets into the GLOBE Program and integrate them into the curricula of schools along the K-12 continuum. For more infomration, please visit (Award No. NNX16AC54A)

"I have already heard from people who will use the information and who look forward to receiving the slides.” -Anthony Bent

Examples of NASA projects in Massachusetts



Last Updated
Jul 23, 2023