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NESEC’s GLOBE Observer Team Supports NASA at Home

NESEC’s GLOBE Observer Team Supports NASA at Home

In March and April 2020, the GLOBE Observer team changed focus to support the NASA at Home initiative.

  • Created a GLOBE Observer at Home webpage containing activities that can be done indoors: https://observer.globe.gov/at-home. Content was also provided to NASA for NASA at Home in English and Spanish (for some activities).
  • Produced weekly activity or science videos which were distributed on NASA Earth’s Facebook page as video premiers with a reach of nearly one million. Presenters to date include:
    • April 2 - Marile Colon Robles (LaRC), Do you know clouds have names? Reached 225,500
    • April 9 – Brian Campbell (GSFC), Trees, ICESat-2, Lasers, and Open Altimetry. Reached 244,776
    • April 16 – Peder Nelson (Oregon State University), Virtual Expedition: Mapping and Land Cover. Reached 510,927
  • Marilé Colón Robles also gave a Spanish version of her presentation for NASA en Español, NASA’s Spanish language Facebook page.
Screenshot from a video of Marilé Colón Robles and two kids in front of four vertical chalkboards. The video is titled