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Oliva Bibler, Roman Azzarello and Neva Hargreaves, three students from Aerospace and Natural Science Academy of Toledo (Ohio), presented their research via zoom at the Hydrology High School Capstone Culminating Event arranged by George Voltz from the NASA Glenn Research Center Education Office.

The research done by these students illustrates the power of mentoring. Dr. Jodi Haney (GLOBE partner Bowling Green State University), Christine Staschiak (Environmental Engineer from NASA Plum Brook), Tina Harte (NASA Langley), GLOBE Mission Earth Team at the University of Toledo provided guidance throughout the research and sampling process for Ms. Bibler. Ms. Bibler (senior) served as a mentor to Roman Azzarello and Neva Hargeaves (freshman). Their teacher, Laura Kubiak, is a GLOBE Mission EARTH teacher and participated in Arctic SIGNS (Dr. Elena Sparrow) training last year. Ms. Bibler trained a group of freshmen including Mr. Azzarello and Ms. Hargeaves in GLOBE’s hydrology protocols to contribute to the data being collected on her project. The students wanted to determine where nutrients are getting into ditches that feed into the Maumee River ultimately contributing to algae blooms in Lake Erie. Olivia Bibler participated in summer internship (2019) in the STEM Enhancement in Earth Science (SEES) Program.

Students’ Research Posters are included.



Last Updated
Apr 28, 2020