Nineteen 5th-12th-grade student scientists gathered on 5 and 6 April, 2024 at the INFINITY Science Center in Pearlington, Mississippi for the U.S. GLOBE Southeast Student Research Symposium. The students traveled to the symposium with educators and chaperones from Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi to celebrate environmental research conducted using Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) protocols. They presented their GLOBE research to each other and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) professionals.
Five projects were presented and reviewed by peers and industry experts. The projects included studying a river using hydrosphere protocols, understanding weather using atmosphere protocols, and investigating trees using carbon cycle protocols. Participants also watched 3D videos, designed, and built underwater submersible robots, learned about eclipse viewing, and toured NASA’s Stennis Space Center. Educator professional development offered at the Symposium included GLOBE’s soil moisture testing training.
Special thanks to Donna Torres from the INFINITY Science Center, a GLOBE and NASA ASTRO CAMP (ACCP) Community Partner, Christopher Sherman, a NASA ACCP Education and GLOBE Specialist, and Danny Griffin, the Logistics Coordinator from the NASA ACCP team, for their dedication in organizing and managing this event! Look forward to four more Student Research Symposia events scheduled for early May.
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