The Webb View of spiral galaxies IC 2163 and NGC 2207. James Webb Space Telescope’s mid-infrared light.
The Hubble View of spiral galaxies IC 2163 and NGC 2207. NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope’s ultraviolet- and visible-light view.
These are two views of spiral galaxies IC 2163 and NGC 2207. NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope’s ultraviolet- and visible-light view...
This mid-infrared image from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope excels at showing where the cold dust, set off in white,...
This observation combines mid-infrared light from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, and ultraviolet and visible light from NASA’s Hubble Space...
A pumpkin carved with the Webb telescope "looking at stars, planets, galaxies.
A pumpkin carved with the Webb telescope "looking at stars, planets, galaxies
NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope’s NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) image of the galaxy cluster PLCK G165.7+67.0, also known as G165, on...
An artist’s concept of Centaur 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1’s outgassing activity as seen from the side. While prior radio-wavelength observations showed a...
A team of scientists used NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope’s spectrographic capabilities to gather data on Centaur 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1, one...
What appears as a faint dot in this James Webb Space Telescope image may actually be a groundbreaking discovery. Detailed...
This comparison of the data collected by the James Webb Space Telescope with a computer model prediction highlights the same...
Image of a laptop with the screen containing an image of Senior Project Scientist, Nobel Laureate Dr. John Mather seated...
Overview of Webb Primary Mirror in foreground with the NASA meatball logo and part of the Goddard logo reflecting in...
Blurred overview of Webb Primary Mirror in foreground with the NASA meatball logo and part of the Goddard logo reflecting...
Overview of Webb Primary Mirror in right side foreground with the NASA meatball logo and part of the Goddard logo...
Darkened blurred overview of Webb Primary Mirror in right side foreground with the NASA meatball logo and part of the...
Darkened overview of Webb Primary Mirror in right side foreground with the NASA meatball logo and part of the Goddard...
Closeup vertical overview of Webb Primary Mirror with one mirror wing partially folded.
Closeup vertical blurred overview of Webb Primary Mirror with one mirror wing partially folded.
Closeup overview of Webb Primary Mirror with one mirror wing partially folded.
Closeup darkened blurred overview of Webb Primary Mirror with one mirror wing partially folded.
Closeup darkened overview of Webb Primary Mirror with one mirror wing partially folded.
Super closeup vertical view of Webb Primary Mirror in the left side foreground.
Super closeup vertical blurred view of Webb Primary Mirror in the left side foreground.
Super closeup view of Webb Primary Mirror in the left side foreground and some clean room structures in the right...
Super closeup darkened blurred view of Webb Primary Mirror in the left side foreground and some clean room structures in...
Super closeup darkened view of Webb Primary Mirror in the left side foreground and some clean room structures in the...
Super closeup vertical view of Webb Primary Mirror.
Super closeup vertical blurred view of Webb Primary Mirror.
Super closeup view of Webb Primary Mirror.
Super closeup darkened blurred view of Webb Primary Mirror.
Super closeup darkened view of Webb Primary Mirror.
Vertical ground-level view of Webb Primary Mirror with technicians in foreground in the Goddard Clean Room.
Vertical blurred ground-level view of Webb Primary Mirror with technicians in foreground in the Goddard Clean Room.
Ground-level view of Webb Primary Mirror with technicians in foreground in the Goddard Clean Room.
Ground-level darkened blurred view of Webb Primary Mirror with technicians in foreground in the Goddard Clean Room.
Ground-level darkened view of Webb Primary Mirror with technicians in foreground in the Goddard Clean Room.
Vertical view of the Goddard Clean Room with the Webb Primary Mirror on test stand in left side foreground with...
Vertical blurred view of the Goddard Clean Room with the Webb Primary Mirror on test stand in left side foreground...
Full view of the Goddard Clean Room with the Webb Primary Mirror on test stand in left side foreground with...
Full darkened blurred view of the Goddard Clean Room with the Webb Primary Mirror on test stand in left side...
Full darkened view of the Goddard Clean Room with the Webb Primary Mirror on test stand in left side foreground...
Vertical off-centered view of JWST Art by consisting of the Webb Primary Mirror blending at the edges with flowers...
Vertical view of JWST Art by consisting of the Webb Primary Mirror blending at the edges with flowers with...
View of JWST Art by consisting of the Webb Primary Mirror blending at the edges with flowers with a...
Darkened blurred view of JWST Art by consisting of the Webb Primary Mirror blending at the edges with flowers...
Darkened view of JWST Art by consisting of the Webb Primary Mirror blending at the edges with flowers with...
Vertical view of Webb with sunshield and mirrors with two mirror wings folded in the Northrop Grumman Clean Room.
Vertical darkened blurred view of Webb with sunshield and mirrors with two mirror wings folded in the Northrop Grumman Clean...
Vertical darkened view of Webb with sunshield and mirrors with two mirror wings folded in the Northrop Grumman Clean Room.
Vertical blurred view of Webb with sunshield and mirrors with two mirror wings folded in the Northrop Grumman Clean Room.
Full view of Webb with sunshield and mirrors with two mirror wings folded in the Northrop Grumman Clean Room.
Full darkened blurred view of Webb with sunshield and mirrors with two mirror wings folded in the Northrop Grumman Clean...
Full darkened view of Webb with sunshield and mirrors with two mirror wings folded in the Northrop Grumman Clean Room.
Full blurred view of Webb with sunshield and mirrors with two mirror wings folded in the Northrop Grumman Clean Room.
This composite image of Arp 107, created with data from the James Webb Space Telescope’s NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) and MIRI...
This image of Arp 107, shown by Webb’s MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument), reveals the supermassive black hole that lies in the...
View of a portion of the James Webb Space Telescope backplane component that will hold the primary mirror segments.
Annotated image of Digel Cloud 2S captured by Webb's NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) and MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument), with compass arrows, a...
Scientists used NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope to examine select star-forming areas in the Extreme Outer Galaxy in near- and...
The galaxy cluster MACS-J0417.5-1154 is so massive it is warping the fabric of space-time and distorting the appearance of galaxies...
Wide Field View: The galaxy cluster MACS-J0417.5-1154 is so massive it is warping the fabric of space-time and distorting the...
Hubble View: NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has also observed the galaxy cluster MACS-J0417.5-1154, but the dusty red galaxy that appears...
Webb View: NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has also observed the galaxy cluster MACS-J0417.5-1154, but the dusty red galaxy that appears...
NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has also observed the galaxy cluster MACS-J0417.5-1154, but the dusty red galaxy that appears multiple times...
Appearing in the video is NASA Goddard Mission Director Apurva Varia. As a part of Space Science Mission Operation (SSMO),...
This image shows a small portion of the field observed by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope’s NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) for...
A portion the Webb Telescope folding puzzler that contains a number of key facts about the mission.
Build Your Own JWST With LEGO® Brand Blocks
Brandon Bethune, Deputy Project Manager, James Webb Space Telescope
Mike Davis, Project Manager, James Webb Space Telescope
Webb Poster-2010
Webb Poster - NG1
Webb Litho
Webb Hexagon Litho
Simulated view of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) in it's folded and stowed launch configuration inside the nose cone...
All sky picture of the infant universe created from nine years of WMAP data.
Artist's conception of the James Webb Space Telescope.
This image of the gas-giant exoplanet Epsilon Indi Ab was taken with the coronagraph on NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope’s...
This artist’s concept shows what the exoplanet WASP-39 b could look like based on indirect transit observations from NASA’s James...
This transmission spectrum, captured using Webb’s NIRSpec (Near-Infrared Spectrograph) PRISM bright object-time series mode, shows the amounts of different wavelengths...
A light curve from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope’s NIRSpec (Near-Infrared Spectrograph) shows the change in brightness from the star...
NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope’s mid-infrared view of interacting galaxies Arp 142 seems to sing in primary colors. The Egg...
The distorted spiral galaxy at center, the Penguin, and the compact elliptical at left, the Egg, are locked in an...
NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope captured visible light when observing Arp 142, nicknamed the Penguin and the Egg, with its Wide...
NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope captured visible light when observing Arp 142, nicknamed the Penguin and the Egg, with its Wide...
L1527, shown in this image from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope’s MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument), is a molecular cloud that harbors...
The Cryocooler Electronics during testing.
The Cryocooler Compressor Assembly. This photo shows the flight cryocooler installed "upside-down" in a vacuum chamber for testing, before the...
The cooling device for the Mid-Infrared Instrument, or MIRI, one of the James Webb Space Telescope's four instruments. The MIRI...
The MIRI instrument. MIRI's operates at temperatures of no more than 6.7 degrees above absolute zero, or minus 448 degrees...
This image shows an engineer in a cleanroom looking at one of the sunshield layers that shows a grid pattern...
On orbit, the observatory is pointed so that the sun, Earth and moon are always on one side, with the...
The sunshield's membrane layers, each as thin as a human hair, are made of Kapton, a tough, high-performance plastic coated...
The SIDECAR(TM), or System Image, Digitizing, Enhancing, Controlling and Retrieving ASIC performs high-fidelity A-to-D signal conversion at cryogenic temperatures.
Engineers inspect NASA's James Webb Space Telescope as it sits inside Chamber A at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston....
A screenshot from the James Webb Space Telescope "Webbcam" showing the test chamber that Webb telescope had been sealed within,...
A crane lifts the flight instruments of the James Webb Space Telescope from the Goddard thermal vacuum chamber where it...
This figure shows four 0.6 - 2.5 μm James Webb Space Telescope NIRCam H2RGs mounted into a focal plane module....
A James Webb Space Telescope Near Infrared Camera (NIRCam) detector with optical baffles removed. Light is collected in the purple...
The James Webb Space Telescope uses infrared detector hybrids. The pixelated absorber layer (HgCdTe or Si:As) absorbs the light and...
This MIRI detector (green) is housed in a brick-like unit called a focal plane module. It has a 1024x1024 pixel...
Another view of the 1/6th scale model of the JWST mirror in optics testbed.
Alternative view of the 1/6th scale model of the JWST mirror in optics testbed.
Fully functional, 1/6th scale model of the JWST mirror in its optics testbed used to develop wavefront sensing and control.
This abstract image was a preview of the instrumental power that was unleashed now that the James Webb Space Telescope...
One of the four array quadrants of the microshutter device is about the size of a postage stamp. Each quadrant...
An array of microshutters on the James Webb Space Telescope's NIRSpec instrument.
The entire microshutter device consists of approximately 250,000 individual windows with shutters arrayed in a waffle-like grid.
In this image of the Serpens Nebula from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, astronomers found a grouping of aligned protostellar...
This video shows the different major components that compose the Crab Nebula as observed by the James Webb Space Telescope....
This image by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope’s NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) and MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument) shows different structural details of...
The JADES Deep Field uses observations taken by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) as part of the JADES (JWST...
The JADES Deep Field uses observations taken by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) as part of the JADES (JWST...
This mosaic displays three of about 80 transients, or objects of changing brightness, identified in data from the JADES (JWST...
This mosaic displays three of about 80 transients, or objects of changing brightness, identified in data from the JADES (JWST...
The JADES Deep Field uses observations taken by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) as part of the JADES (JWST...
The JADES Deep Field uses observations taken by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) as part of the JADES (JWST...
Michael McElwain, observatory project scientist, James Webb Space Telescope
The spectrum of the star ISO-ChaI 147 revealed by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope’s MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument) shows the richest...
This is an artist’s impression of a young star surrounded by a disk of gas and dust. An international team...
This infographic compares the characteristics of three classes of stars in our galaxy: Sunlike stars are classified as G stars;...
This infrared image from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (also called Webb or JWST) was taken by the NIRCam (Near-Infrared...
This illustration shows a galaxy forming only a few hundred million years after the big bang, when gas was a...
This artist’s concept shows what the warm Neptune exoplanet WASP-107 b could look like based on recent data gathered by...
This transmission spectrum, captured using NASA’s Hubble and James Webb space telescopes, shows the amounts of different wavelengths (colors) of...
This transmission spectrum, captured using Webb’s NIRSpec (Near-Infrared Spectrograph) Bright Object Spectrometer, shows the amounts of different wavelengths (colors) of...
A light curve of 7.5- to 11.8-micron light captured by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope’s MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument) in March...
A thermal emission spectrum of the super-Earth exoplanet 55 Cancri e, captured by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope’s NIRCam (Near-Infrared...
This artist's concept shows what the exoplanet 55 Cancri e could look like based on observations from NASA’s James Webb...
Medals of Freedom are displayed Thursday, July 7, 2022, before a ceremony at the White House. (Official White House Photo...
This image from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope of a massive galaxy cluster called WHL0137-08 contains the most strongly magnified...
A technician aligns a Focal Plane Assembly, part of the NIRCam instrument.
CEERS (NIRCam Compass Image)
Webb’s infrared image of the galaxy cluster El Gordo (“the Fat One”) reveals hundreds of galaxies, some never before seen...
The Pillars of Creation are set off in a kaleidoscope of color in NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope’s near-infrared-light view....
This graphic presentation compares the spectral data of GRB 230307A’s kilonova as observed by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope and...
NIRCam (the Near Infrared Camera) on NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope captured this picture of the surface of Jupiter’s moon...
The two stars in Wolf-Rayet 140 produce shells of dust every eight years that look like rings, as seen in...