NASA’s ECOSTRESS Maps Burn Risk Across Phoenix Streets

3 min read

Roads and sidewalks in some areas get so hot that skin contact could result in second-degree burns. Researchers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California have mapped scorching pavement in Phoenix where contact with skin — from a fall,…

Article3 weeks ago

Climate Change Research

6 min read

Science in Space: April 2024 Everyone on Earth is touched by the effects of climate change, such as hotter temperatures, shifts in rain patterns, and sea level rise. Collecting climate data helps communities better plan for these changes and build…

Article3 months ago

NASA Helps Study One of the World’s Most Diverse Ecosystems

6 min read

NASA satellite and airborne tools aid an international team studying biodiversity on land and in the water around South Africa. An international team of researchers spent October and November 2023 in the field studying one of the world’s most biologically…

Article8 months ago

NASA Data on Plant ‘Sweating’ Could Help Predict Wildfire Severity

6 min read

A new study uses data from the ECOSTRESS instrument aboard the space station to better understand why some parts of a wildfire burn more intensely than others. Even in drought-stricken California, not all areas face the same degree of wildfire…

Article2 years ago

NASA’s ECOSTRESS Sees Las Vegas Streets Turn Up the Heat

2 min read

An instrument on the space station documented how built and natural surfaces responded to record heat in Las Vegas. On June 10, Las Vegas reached a record daily high temperature of 109 degrees Fahrenheit (43 degrees Celsius), and temperatures of…

Article2 years ago

NASA’s ECOSTRESS Detects ‘Heat Islands’ in Extreme Indian Heat Wave

3 min read

The instrument aboard the space station documents blistering temperatures in urban areas around Delhi during the historic heat wave on the Indian subcontinent. A relentless heat wave has blanketed India and Pakistan since mid-March, causing dozens of deaths, fires, increased…

Article2 years ago

Evapotranspiration: Watching Over Water Use

3 min read

As soil and other surfaces dry, water is transferred into the air as water vapor. That is evaporation. Plants actively release water, moving it out of their leaves and stems and into the drier air. That is transpiration. Combine the…

Article3 years ago

From Seed to Market: NASA Brings Food to the Table

5 min read

As the seasons turn from spring, to summer, to fall – farmers plant crops, monitor their growth and harvest them. And now increasingly they are using NASA Earth science data to help make their decisions. While NASA satellites primarily support…

Article3 years ago

Earth Day Connections: NASA Investigates Vegetation

6 min read

From the vantage point of space, NASA’s fleet of Earth-observing satellites joins with those of partner interagency and international agencies to investigate and illuminate connections between ecosystems that are continents apart, or right next door. With a global perspective, scientists…

Article3 years ago

20 Years of Observing Earth from the International Space Station

8 min read

After 20 years of continuous human presence, the International Space Station (ISS) has provided 241 visitors with an extraordinary view of Earth from outer space — one they have shared with the rest of the world. Astronaut photography, formally called…

Article4 years ago