Landsat 9 Stories

NASA Open Science Initiative Expands OpenET Across Amazon Basin  

2 min read

The research teams who help sustain the largest freshwater reserve in the world are developing a new tool to promote more resilient farming systems in Brazil. The goal is to help farmers better handle changes in the water cycle, deal…

Article2 months ago

Top 20 Kennedy Space Center Highlights from 2021

6 min read

JANUARY ELaNa 20 Launch Marking the first payload carried by the LauncherOne rocket, Virgin Orbit’s 747-00 carrier, Cosmic Girl, took off from the Mojave Air and Space Port in California on Jan. 17. The LauncherOne rocket, attached to the underside…

Article3 years ago

Wallops Supports Small Spacecraft Hitching Ride with LandSat 9

5 min read

When the Landsat 9 satellite launched to space earlier this week on Sept. 27, it wasn’t the only spacecraft on the flight. NASA partnered with the U.S. Space Force to launch four CubeSats — miniature satellites — on the same Atlas V rocket.  …

Article3 years ago

Meet the Landsat 9 Team: Mark Mertz

2 min read

Editor’s note: This is the second in a series of five features introducing members of the Landsat 9 team. The features will run weekly through Sept. 8.  By Jim Cawley NASA’s Kennedy Space Center The Landsat 9 satellite, targeted for…

Article3 years ago

Meet the Landsat 9 Team: Matt Johnson

2 min read

Editor’s note: This is the first in a series of five features introducing members of the Landsat 9 team. The features will run weekly, through Sept. 8. By Jim Cawley NASA’s Kennedy Space Center   The Landsat 9 satellite, targeted…

Article3 years ago

Landsat 9: The Pieces Come Together

2 min read

Landsat 9’s two science instruments are now attached to the spacecraft, bringing the mission one step closer to launch. In late December, the Operational Land Imager 2 (OLI-2) and the Thermal Infrared Sensor 2 (TIRS-2) were both mechanically integrated on…

Article4 years ago