Mariner 2 Stories

60 Years Ago: Mariner 2 Launches to Explore Venus
4 min read
In the early 1960s, in addition to taking on the challenge to land men on the Moon by the end of the decade, NASA also set its sights on exploring our planetary neighbors. The agency gave responsibility for planetary exploration…

Five Years after New Horizons’ Historic Flyby, Here Are 10 Cool Things We Learned About Pluto
13 min read
Five years ago today, NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft made history. After a voyage of nearly 10 years and more than 3 billion miles, the intrepid piano-sized probe flew within 7,800 miles of Pluto. For the first time ever, we saw…

55 Years Ago: Mariner 2 First to Venus
3 min read
In 1962, Mariner 2 completed the first successful close-up observations of another planet when it flew by Venus. The spacecraft made a number of important scientific discoveries not only about the planet but also about interplanetary space during its transit. …