Ulysses Stories

Planetary Scientists Close in on Saturn’s Elusive Rotation

5 min read

Planetary Scientists Close in on Saturn’s Elusive Rotation December 12, 2007 (Source: ESA) Saturn’s Radio Rotation Somewhere deep below Saturn’s cloud tops, the planet rotates at a constant speed. Determining this interior period of rotation has proven extremely complicated. Now,…

Article17 years ago

Ulysses Reaches the Sun’s North Pole

4 min read

For the second time in its 11-year lifetime, ESA's Ulysses spacecraft is about to fly over the Sun's north pole.

Article23 years ago

Ulysses Sees the Sun Begin to Quiet Down

3 min read

Order is returning to the solar wind as the Sun begins to shake off the chaos that has characterised its behaviour during the recent peak in its 11-year activity cycle.

Article23 years ago

Ulysses Spacecraft Observes Surprising Reach of Solar Activity

4 min read

Once every 11 years, the sun's magnetic field flips over.

Article23 years ago

Ulysses Observes the Sun at Solar Maximum

4 min read

As the recent appearance of the largest sunspot for 10 years shows, our nearest star, the Sun, is prone to spells of intense, violent activity and unexpected, dramatic change.

Article23 years ago