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Cassini Cruises by Titan


Cassini successfully completed a flyby of Titan on March 10, which included imaging an area just north of the equator, mapping temperatures, and monitoring cloud motion.

The Cassini spacecraft peers around the hazy limb of Titan to spy the sunlit south pole of Saturn in the distance beyond. Image taken on Dec. 26, 2005.
The Cassini spacecraft peers around the hazy limb of Titan to spy the sunlit south pole of Saturn in the distance beyond. Image taken on Dec. 26, 2005.

Cassini Cruises by Titan

Cassini successfully completed a flyby of Titan on March 10, which included imaging an area just north of the equator, mapping temperatures, and monitoring cloud motion.

On this flyby, Cassini scooped up material from the top of Titan’s atmosphere to determine the constituents. Changes in temperature at the surface were also measured.

Titan Flyby at a Glance

March 10, 2007

508 miles (980 km)

13,869 mph (6.2 km/sec)



Last Updated
Nov 06, 2024