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Titan Flyby 114 (T-114)

Near closest approach, Cassini's imaging cameras will acquire a medium-to-high-resolution mosaic of Titan's leading hemisphere over Xanadu.

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During this flyby, the Cassini spacecraft will acquire a medium-to-high-resolution mosaic of Titan's leading hemisphere over Xanadu.

Titan Flyby T-114

Near closest approach, Cassini's imaging cameras will acquire a medium-to-high-resolution mosaic of Titan's leading hemisphere over Xanadu. Other observations on this flyby include VIMS' monitoring of the formation and evolution of clouds at high latitudes and the evolution of south polar vortex.

Hovering over Titan

VIMS will map the north pole area at high emission angles, and will monitor the evolution of the lakes and seas. CIRS will perform very high-latitude limb sounding over the south pole, monitoring the temperatures and composition in the south polar vortex as it continues to develop in southern fall. The latitudes viewed during this flyby are the most southerly latitudes possible for far-infrared limb measurements during this phase of the Cassini mission.

Titan Flyby at a Glance

Nov. 13, 2015

7,406.5 miles (11,919.7 km)

Speed (rel. to Titan)
12,303 mph (5.5 km/sec)