1 min read

Titan Flyby 21 (T-21): Dec. 12, 2006

Lakes and More Lakes: In this image taken by the Cassini radar system on Oct. 9, 2006, a previously unseen style of lakes is revealed. The lakes here assume complex shapes and are among the darkest seen so far on Titan.
Lakes and More Lakes: In this image taken by the Cassini radar system on Oct. 9, 2006, a previously unseen style of lakes is revealed. The lakes here assume complex shapes and are among the darkest seen so far on Titan.

Cassini Buzzes by Titan

T-21 Flyby Artwork
T-21 Flyby Artwork

Cassini successfully flew by Titan on Dec. 12. Data collected during the flyby will help determine the distribution of aerosols and other hydrocarbons in Titan's orange-tinged atmosphere.

Titan Flyby at a Glance

Dec. 12, 2006

621 miles (1,000 km)

13,200 mph (5.9 km/sec)