Cassini successfully completed a flyby of Saturn's moon Titan on May 12, 2007.
Cassini To Confirm if 'Caspian Sea' is Liquid-Fill
Cassini successfully completed a flyby of Saturn's moon Titan on May 12, 2007. Due to the recent discovery of probable large seas on Titan, Cassini's quick-thinking team repointed the radar instrument south in advance of the encounter, flying over a large, expansive dark area dubbed the "Caspian Sea." Information from this flyby will confirm whether it is liquid-filled. Stay tuned for more news.
The presence of seas on Titan reinforces the idea that Titan's surface must be re-supplying methane to its atmosphere.
Titan Flyby at a Glance
May 12, 2007
597 miles (960 km)
Speed (rel. to Titan)
20,132 mph (5.9 km/sec)