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Titan Flyby – Oct. 25, 2006


Cassini Swooshes by Titan, Examines Surface

Clouds Over Titan: This image depicts Saturn's moon Titan as seen by the visual and infrared mapping spectrometer after closest approach on a July 22, 2006, flyby.
This image depicts Saturn's moon Titan as seen by the visual and infrared mapping spectrometer after closest approach on a July 22, 2006, flyby.

Cassini Swooshes by Titan, Examines Surface

Cassini successfully flew by Saturn's largest moon Titan on Wed., Oct. 25. Cassini obtained data that will be processed into detailed composition maps of Titan's surface.

Titan Flyby at a Glance

October 25, 2006

640 miles (1030 km)

13,400 mph (5.99 km/sec)



Last Updated
Nov 06, 2024