T-59: Titan in Saturn's Magnetosphere
T-59: Titan in Saturn’s Magnetosphere
On this flyby Titan was in the pre-midnight region of Saturn’s magnetosphere, and the spacecraft’s trajectory crossed over this moon’s south pole.
For only the third time during a Titan flyby, the Cassini Plasma Spectrometer (CAPS) was the primary instrument. During the flyby the instrument collected a full sampling of the inbound interaction region inside of 12 Titan radii. CAPS also took part in a combined observation with the Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer (INMS) at closest approach of Titan’s ionosphere.
INMS made a prime observation on the night side of Titan at high Southern latitudes. This was one of two high Southern latitude passes that will help fill in the latitude coverage of Titan’s atmosphere.
In addition, a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) swath ran parallel to observations in the T55-58 southern hemisphere mapping sequence covering south polar terrain.
Titan Flyby at a Glance
July 24, 2009
593 miles (955 km)
13,400 mph (6.0 km/sec)