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NASA and ESA at the “Science with the Hubble Space Telescope IV” Conference

john grunsfeld, nasa's science mission directorate associate administrator, and fabio favata, head of esa’s science planning and community coordination office, shake hands after unveiling hubble’s 24th anniversary image last week in rome, italy.

John Grunsfeld, NASA’s Science Mission Directorate Associate Administrator, and Fabio Favata, Head of ESA’s Science Planning and Community Coordination Office, shake hands after unveiling Hubble’s 24th anniversary image last week in Rome, Italy. The image highlights the iconic Monkey Head Nebula as seen in infrared wavelengths by Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3. NASA’s Hubble team went to Rome to discuss the major scientific breakthroughs made by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope and to inspire the scientific community to begin thinking about how the observatory’s successor, the James Webb Space Telescope, can move the field of astrophysics forward.

For the image of the Monkey Head Nebula, visit:

For information about the conference visit:

J.D. Harrington
NASA Headquarters

Photo Credit: Pam Jeffries, STSCI



Last Updated
Jul 23, 2023