Craig Dobson
Program Manager for the Space Archaeology Program and Earth Surface & Interior
Craig Dobson is a NASA Program Manager responsible for the Space Archaeology Program and Earth Surface and Interior focus area which includes Space Geodesy, Geodetic Imaging and Earth Surface and Interior Programs. Craig is also Program Scientist for the NI-SAR mission, non-US radar missions, the UAVSAR Airborne Program, as well as the Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAAC) at the Alaska Satellite Facility (ASF), the Socio-Economic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) and the Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS).
Craig first came to NASA HQ as an IPA from the University of Michigan and has been a civil servant since 2006. His research interests cover microwave interactions with terrestrial materials such as (rock, soil and vegetation) including dielectric properties, scattering/emission behaviors, and associated applications of airborne and space borne synthetic aperture radar. Craig received BA degrees in Geology and Anthropology from the Univ. of Pennsylvania and an MA in geography from the Univ. of Kansas.