Photograph of Janine Captain

Janine Captain

VIPER Principal investigator of the Mass Spectrometer Observing Lunar Operations, or MSolo, instrument

Education: Georgia Tech, doctorate degree in chemistry
Hometown: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
What inspired you to join NASA? I had no idea I would one day work for NASA. I was just in the right place at the right time when an opportunity came up to do research in environmental chemistry at Kennedy Space Center. The sunny Florida location was also a driver for me!
Favorite beverage, food, or fuel: I love cold brew coffee with lots of creamer and sweetness.

Janine Captain is a research chemist at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. She enjoys the challenge of applied research and technology development. As a child, she wanted to learn to talk to dolphins and so developed a keen interest in marine science that led her into studies of ocean and atmospheric chemistry. Growing up, Janine was dedicated to clogging, a style of dance that took her overseas and led to some of her closest friendships. In her spare time today, Janine enjoys going to the beach and hiking in the mountains.