Judd Bowman headshot, male, blonde hair, glasses, big smile.

Judd Bowman

Professor and Beus Chair of Cosmology


  • Ph.D. (2007) Astrophysics, MIT
  • B.S. (1998) Electrical Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis
  • B.S. (2007) Physics, Washington University in St. Louis

Current Position

  • Professor and Beus Chair of Cosmology
  • Director, Beus Center for Cosmic Foundations
  • School of Earth and Space Exploration Arizona State University

EM simulations of Stokes I,Q,U leakage into Stokes V for FARSIDE offset-phase dipole antennas on lunar regolith.
EM simulations of Stokes I,Q,U leakage into Stokes V for FARSIDE offset-phase dipole antennas on lunar regolith.

Technology Interests

  • High precision EM antenna modeling
  • Embedded absolute radio spectrometer calibration (advanced applications of S-parameter and noise wave techniques)
  • Large-N interferometric techniques
  • Efficient signal processing and algorithms
  • Small satellite applications and constellations

Goals and Aspirations

  • The far side of the Moon is the only place in the inner solar system to do decameter and hectometer radio astronomy to detect the magnetospheres of exoplanets. 
  • Magnetospheres are critical for enabling habitability by retaining planetary atmospheres, especially in M-dwarf and young, active host systems.