Ken Davidian
Owner of Impossible Research LLC
Dr. Ken Davidian is the owner of Impossible Research LLC, a
process research and research consulting organization.
Dr. Davidian previously spent 14 years working for the FAA’s
Office of Commercial Space Transportation, 20 years at NASA
(Lewis/Glenn Headquarters) and 5 years in private
industry/academia. Davidian is also the Editor-in-Chief of the New
Space journal and serves as an Adjunct Professor for Virginia
Tech’s Pamplin College of Business. Davidian is a member of the
AIAA (Associate Fellow), International Academy of Astronautics,
and internationally active as an officer or advisor on multiple
committees and groups.
Dr. Davidian received a BS degree in Aeronautical and
Astronautical Engineering from The Ohio State University and
MS degree in Mechanical Engineering from Case Western
Reserve University. In 2018, Davidian received a doctorate in
Business Administration from the University of Cape Town.