Keri Hoadley
Assistant Professor
- Ph.D. (2017) • Astrophysics • University of Colorado
- M.Sc. (2014) • Astrophysics • University of Colorado
- B.Sc. (2011) • Astronomy & Astrophysics • Florida Institute of Technology
- B.Sc. (2011) • Mathematical Sciences • Florida Institute of Technology
Current Position
- Assistant Professor at the University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
- Leading Iowa’s efforts to fabricate next-generation UV high dispersion gratings using nanotechnology at UI’s MATFab facility, with plans to qualify large-format gratings aboard suborbital UV spectrographs. Involved in current & proposed space-based UV missions, including FIREBall-2 (suborbital), Aspera (Pioneers), & Hyperion (SMEX/MIDEX concept).
Technology Interests
- Fabricating High efficiency, low scatter reflection gratings for space-based UV spectroscopy
- Minimizing write field errors in lithographic tooling to reduce unwanted dispersive power in gratings
- High throughput VUV polarization techniques
- Mirror coating development for VUV reflection elements (flat, powered, and diffraction surfaces)
- High efficiency, high resolution photon-counting sensors for broadband UV detection
- Developing UV instruments & missions for space (suborbital, SmallSats, Explorers)
Goals and Aspirations
- Demonstrate the utility of nanotechnology for improving the quality of UV gratings.
- Develop a state-of-the-art joint UV/X-ray space instrumentation center at Iowa (with RTF Fellow Casey DeRoo).
- Build a deep and lasting community around UV astronomy & astrophysics.
- Lead the development and flight of space UV telescopes (suborbital & beyond).
- Engage and motivate the public to appreciate science and technology and think critically (and accurate) about the natural world.